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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the Third winter. (search)
among the different stations in his command; Dahlgren's first care had been, on the contrary, to reand more formidable adversaries. At noon Admiral Dahlgren had arrived with five monitors, the armor on the fleet to silence that fire. In fact, Dahlgren, true to the design that he had formed on relening, Gillmore had an understanding with Admiral Dahlgren to commence the next morning the bombardmthat had burst he was obliged to apply to Admiral Dahlgren, who hastened to loan the needed guns. T support of the formidable artillery of which Dahlgren and he had the control to reduce Fort Wagner ruction of Fort Sumter, hoping thus to decide Dahlgren to clear the pass. The admiral, in fact, croove in, and the ruin was complete. Therefore Dahlgren announced for the morrow his entrance into thjust been constructed in the North. At last, Dahlgren acknowledged that he was waiting for the arrind two guns. Almost the entire squadron of Dahlgren being concentrated before Charleston, a few w[10 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the war in the South-West. (search)
concern of the Government at Washington, instead of applying itself to a concentration of its forces, seemed to be, as we have seen, to scatter them for the sake of multiplying the posts occupied in the enemy's territory, while General Halleck, far from combating this fatal tendency, was the first to share it. So it was decided to employ Gillmore's troops without making them leave his department. As early as the 23d of December he had been asked to attend to this matter in concert with Admiral Dahlgren. As he made no haste to reply, the President prevailed upon him on January 13th to devote a part of his forces to the re-establishment of the Federal power in Florida, where he believed a goodly number of Unionists to be. Whether it was that his message travelled fast or that Gillmore anticipated the President's desires, he wrote to him on the 14th a proposition for an expedition into the interior of Florida. With every latitude allowed him to direct and organize it, he embarked on Fe