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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 17: between Gettysburg and the Wilderness (search)
red his pay to reimburse the woman. He then gave the order, break ranks! and sent the surgeon to attend the wounded man. I never saw a company of men more impressed. Indeed, I was myself as much impressed as any of them, and was at considerable pains to catch the feelings and comments of the men. Whew! said a big fellow, who had been a leader in all the lawlessness of the battery, what sort of a preacher do you call this? Be-dad! and if he hits the Yankees half as hard as he hit Dan, it'll be all right. We'll have to watch him about that, boys. We'll get his gait before long. As several times remarked, I have not been able to determine exactly when and where I rejoined the old battalion as its adjutant; but since writing the preceding chapter I am satisfied it must have been shortly after the battle of Gettysburg, and either at or before we reached Hagerstown; as otherwise I should not have witnessed McLaws' evening visitation to the camp fires of his division.
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 21: Cold Harbor of 1864. (search)
ents his men bore him to where he could be placed in an ambulance, and then all, save his cousin, Dan, afterwards Lieutenant McCarthy, who went into Richmond with his body, turned back to the lines w let me show what all this meant to the people at home. General Kershaw very willingly furnished Dan an ambulance and a man from his old brigade to drive it, and the two started on their melancholy the house. As soon as they had deposited it and helped the family to arrange it as they desired, Dan kissed his uncle, aunt, and cousins, and was bidding them good-by, when the old gentleman made siked for pencil and paper. When these were given him he wrote just these words and handed them to Dan-Since it was God's will to take him, I am glad he died at his post. Dan was back at his post bDan was back at his post by daylight, and sent word to the captain's two brothers, who were in another corps, when he would be buried. These young men walked into town, attended the funeral, and walked out again to their pos