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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Danites, (search)
Danites, An alleged secret-order society of the Mormons, accused of various crimes in the interest of Mormonism. These are denied by the Mormons. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, Gen. XLIX. 17. The members were also known as the Destroying Angels. See Mormons.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Greene, Nathanael 1742- (search)
was buried. While Greene and his army remained on the Santee Hills until late in the fall, his partisan corps, led by Marion, Sumter, Lee, and others, were driving the British forces from post to post, in the low country, and smiting Tory bands in every direction. The British finally evacuated all their interior stations and retired to Charleston, pursued almost to the edge of the city by the partisan troops. The main army occupied a position between General Greene crossing the River Dan. that city and Jacksonboro, where the South Carolina legislature had resumed its sessions. Greene had failed to win victories in battle, but had fully accomplished the object of his campaign— namely, to liberate the Carolinas and Georgia from British rule. In the course of nine months he had recovered the three Southern States, and at the close of 1781 he had all the British troops below Virginia hemmed within the cities of Charleston and Savannah. After the disaster at the Cowpens, Co
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Newman, John Philip 1826-1899 (search)
y; entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1849; travelled in Europe, Palestine, and Egypt in 1860-61; and, returning to the United States, had charges at Hamilton, N. Y., Albany, N. Y., and New York City. In 1864-69 he organized three annual conferences in the South, two colleges, and a religious paper; and in the latter year founded and was made the first pastor of the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington. D. C.; was chaplain of the United States Senate in 1869-74; inspector of United States consulates in Asia in 1874-76; and again pastor of the Metropolitan Church, Washington, in 1876-79. In 1879-88 he held pastorates in New York and Washington. Dr. Newman attended Gen. U. S. Grant in his last illness. In 1888 he was elected a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was author of From, Dan to Beersheba; Thrones and palaces of Babylon and Nineveh; America for Americans; And the supremacy of law. He died in Saratoga, N. Y., July 5, 1899.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Revolutionary War, (search)
ck pay. Congress appoints a commission, which accedes to their demandJan. 1, 1781 Benedict Arnold plunders Richmond, Va. Jan. 5-6, 1781 Robert R. Livingston appointed secretary of foreign affairs by CongressJan., 1781 Battle of Cowpens, S. C.; American victory Jan. 17, 1781 Mutiny of New Jersey troops quelled by Gen. Robert Howe Jan. 23-27, 1781 Young's house, near White Plains, surprised by British Feb. 2, 1781 Skilful retreat of Americans under General Greene from Cowpens to the River Dan, pursued by Cornwallis,Jan. 28-Feb. 13, 1781 Final ratification of Articles of Confederation announced by order of Congress March 1, 1781 Battle of Guildford Court-house, N. C.March 15, 1781 British under Generals Phillips and Benedict Arnold occupy PetersburgApril 24, 1781 Battle of Hobkirk's Hill, S. C. April 25, 1781 Union of Vermont with the British proposed to Col. Ira Allen at Isles aux Noix, Canada May, 1781 Cornwallis joins Arnold at Petersburg, Va. May 20, 1781 Augusta, Ga., t