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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 54 (search)
o bear the name of Henry; but, on the other hand, he will find the brief name of Frank carrying all before it-ten Franks, while Francis occurs but four times. In the Sophomore Class it is almost precisely the same-Frank is to Francis as eight to three; while Henry occurs ten times, Harry three times, and Harrie once; there are also two Freds. In the Freshman Class Francis gets the upperhand of Frank at last, and is as seven to three; Henry occurs ten times, Harry three times, Fred once, and Dan once — the latter being probably the old Scriptural name, but possibly a colloquial abbreviation of Daniel. Among the special students Francis and Frank balance each other, one of each, while Henry is found twice and Harry once. To sum up: in the whole undergraduate department Henry is to Harry as forty-eight to thirteen,while Frank is to Francis as twenty-three to nineteen; and there are four Freds, besides Harrie and Bertie. There are thus in these official Harvard lists nearly forty of