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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dana, Francis, 1743-1811 (search)
Dana, Francis, 1743-1811 Jurist; born in Charlestown, Mass., June 13, 1743; son of Richard Dana; graduated at Harvard in 1762. He was admitted to the bar in 1767; was an active patriot; a delegate to the Provincial Congress in 1774; went to England in 1775 with confidential letters to Franklin; was a member of the executive council from 1776 to 1780; member of the Continental Congress from 1776 to 1778, and again in 1784; member of the board of war, Nov. 17, 1777; and was at the head of a committee charged with the entire reorganization of the army. When Mr. Adams went on an embassy to negotiate a treaty of peace and commerce with Great Britain, Mr. Dana was secretary of the legation. At Paris, early in 1781, he received the appointment from Congress of minister to Russia, clothed with power to make the accession of the United States to the armed neutrality. He resided two years at St. Petersburg, and returned to Berlin in 1783. He was again in Congress in the spring of 178
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dana, Richard, 1699- (search)
Dana, Richard, 1699- Jurist; born in Cambridge, Mass., July 7, 1699; graduated at Harvard in 1718; and was a leader of the bar in the Revolutionary period. He was a member of the Sons of Liberty, and also a member of the committee to investigate the incidents of the Boston massacre in 1770. He died May 17, 1772.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 1: old Cambridge (search)
e not merely individual writers, but literary families. The Rev. Abiel Holmes, D. D., author of The Annals of America, came to Cambridge as pastor of the First Church in 1809; and both his sons, Oliver Wendell and John, became authors -the one being known to all English readers, while the other, with perhaps greater original powers, was known only to a few neighbors. The Ware family, coming in 1825, was a race of writers, including the two Henrys, John, William, John F. W., and George. Richard Dana, the head of the Boston bar in his day, was a native of Cambridge (1699); as was his son Francis Dana, equally eminent and followed in lineal succession by Richard Henry Dana, the poet; and by his son of the same name, author of Two years before the Mast. The Channing family, closely connected with the Danas, was successively represented in Cambridge by Professor E. T. Channing, the Rev. W. H. Channing, and Professor Edward Channing. With them must be associated Washington Allston, whos
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Index (search)
, Rev. G. B., 94, 113. Cheney, S. W., 169, 170. Chester, Capt., John, 20. Child, F. J., 183. Clarke, Rev. J. F., 57, 104. Cleveland, Pres., Grover, 195. Cleveland, H. R., 123. Cogswell, J. G., 14, 27, 116, 117. Coleridge, S. T., 38, 91, 95. Collamer, Jacob, 161. Cooper, J. F., 35. Craigie, Mrs., 124, 129. Cranch, C. P., 58, 64, 70. Crichton, the Admirable, 155. Curtis, G. T., 16. Cuvier, Baron, 35. Dana, Francis, 15. Dana, R. H., 14, 15. Dana, R. H., Jr., 15, 191. Dana, Richard, 15. Danforth, Samuel, 152. Davis, Admiral C. H., 113. Davy, Sir, Humphry, 95. Daye, Matthew, 6. Daye, Stephen, 5, 6. Devens, Gen., Charles, 181. Devens, S. A., 76. Dickens, Charles, 123. Dowse, Thomas, 18. Dunster, Pres., Henry, 5, 6. Dwight, J. S., 57, 58, 63, 137. Dwight, Prof., Thomas, 94, 96. Elder, William, 67. Eliot, Rev., John, 6. Eliot, Rev., Richard, 7. Emerson, R. W., 34, 53, 54, 57, 60, 62, 63, 64, 68, 70, 85, 86, 90, 91, 104, 139, 158, 166, 168, 169. Everett
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 1: earlier years (search)
falo Learns Seneca language Coffee Club Prepares for college Enters Harvard The subject of this memoir, Charles Anderson Dana, was the eldest child of Anderson Dana and his first wife, Ann Denison. He was seventh in the male line, from Richard Dana, the colonial settler, through Jacob, Jacob second, Anderson first, Daniel, and Anderson second. In the female line, he was descended from Ann Bullard, Patience---, Abigail Adams, Susanna Huntington, Dolly Kibbe, and Ann Denison, whose motherhe first settler, the Dana family is of absolutely pure New England blood. A study of its genealogy shows that practically every ramification of it has its American root in the earliest immigration of the colonists, a fact that well accounts for Dana's character as one of the most intense Americans, one of the most stalwart believers in the American people, and one of the most devoted partisans of American institutions that the country has produced. While the family records show but little of
career began. Down to this time there had been little or no fluctuation in the population. The number of inhabitants in 1776 was said to have been only 1586, and at that time both Menotomy and the parish south of the Charles were parts of the town. Cambridgeport and East Cambridge could have been described in 1780, in conveyancer's language, as woodlands, pastures, swamps, and salt marsh. The little village practically ceased at Quincy Street, and eastward between the mansion house of Judge Dana, on what is now called Dana Street, and Boston and Charlestown, there were in 1793, according to Rev. Dr. Holmes, but four dwelling-houses. On the 23d of November of that year, the West Boston Bridge was opened for public travel. Then began the growth which soon transferred the centre of population east of the college. The construction of the Craigie Bridge in 1809 largely contributed to this result also. Both of these bridges were originally private enterprises, their profits being de
boyhood does not give more of the flavor of an older day. Those who refer to that chapter will see at the head a vignette of Harvard Square in 1822, taken from a sketch made at the period. It seems at first sight to have absolutely nothing in common with the Harvard Square of the present day, but to belong rather to some small hamlet of western Massachusetts. Yet it recalls with instantaneous vividness the scenes of my youth, and is the very spot through which Holmes, and Lowell, and Richard Dana, and Story the sculptor, and Margaret Fuller Ossoli, walked daily to the post-office, or weekly to the church. The sketch was taken in the year before my own birth, but remained essentially unchanged for ten years thereafter, the population of the whole town having increased only from 3295 in 1820 to 6072 in 1830. The trees on the right overshadowed the quaint barber's shop of Marcus Reemie, crammed with quaint curiosities; and also a building occupied by the law professor, its angle st
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, I. A Cambridge boyhood (search)
of it with hearty dislike, and am glad that it was my happy lot to have come no nearer. The evil was, however, tempered by a great deal of wholesome athletic activity, which Mr. Wells encouraged: there was perpetual playing of ball and of fascinating running games; and we were very likely to have an extra half-holiday when skating or coasting was good. There was no real cruelty in the discipline of the school,--though I have sometimes seen this attributed to it, as in Adams's Life of Richard Dana, --but Mr. Wells carried always a rattan in his hand, and it descended frequently on back and arm. Being very fond of study and learning easily, I usually escaped the rod; but I can see now that its very presence was somewhat degrading to boyish nature. Mr. Wells taught us absolutely nothing but Latin and Greek, yet these he inculcated most faithfully, and I have heretofore described, in an essay On an old Latin text book, the joy I took in them. I well remember that on first being prom
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
ious ways during the session. This is our first day of rest, and I fly to you and Rome. Of all the members of the convention, during our three months work, Richard Dana has gained most in character and fame. He has shown talents which I had long been familiar with, but which have taken many by surprise. He speaks with great been on terms of intimate friendship. Here in Boston Hunkerism is very bitter; Webster's friends are implacable. The Courier, which is their paper, has attacked Dana and myself; and others like to show their spite also. the Webster dementia has not yet passed away. I have seen something of our new President, Pierce. Sewan; but this principle will live. The friends of the new Constitution made a vigorous canvass by means of addresses and pamphlets. Wilson, Boutwell, Burlingame, Dana, Hallett, and Griswold, during the six weeks preceding the election, set forth its merits before the people, some of them addressing audiences almost every evening
as Clearke60 81. John Hasteings80 82. Henry Prentise 80 83. Elder Champnis 350 84. Nath. Sparhauke140 85. John Stedman300 86. Willm. Russell60 87. William Patten 90 88. Ben. Bower20 89. Tho. Briggam 180 90. John Russell80 91. Will. Bucke20 92. Richard Ecles70 93. Mrs. Sarah Simes50 94. Mr. Jacson400 95. Mr. Andrews150 96. Abra. Errington70 97. Widd: Cutter40 98. ffr. Moore, senr.50 99. Mr. Josseph Cooke300 100. Wm. Wilcocke90 101. Christopher Cane80 102. Rich. Dana20 103. Mr. Angier300 104. Vincet Druse15 105. Rogr. Bancroft100 106. John Cooper 140 107. Edw. Shepard80 108. Tho. Bridge50 109. Ranold Bush10 110. Tho. Prentise150 111. Math. Bridge 80 112. Golden Moore100 113. Robert Brodish30 Memo. There is these two persons overslipped, viz. 28. Richard Robbins80 91. Daniell Wines10 These two lots must come in their due order. The town do give to Gregory Stone, adjoining to his farm, one hundred acres.100 Although, by the g
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