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The Daily Dispatch: December 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], The 56th regiment Virginia volunteers. (search)
nery. Provisions are plentiful, and the men are greatly pleased with this section of the State. This regiment, I believe, is the only one in the service which selected its own field officers and for the information of these who have friends and relations with us, I will name the various officers connected with the regiment. Colonel W. D. Stuart, of Richmond; Lt. Col. P. Slaughter, of Orange; Major W E. Green, of Charlotte; Co. A, Capt. Boswell. Mecklenburg; Co. B, Capt. G W Davis, Mecklenburg; Co C. Capt. T. Smith, Loniss; Co. D. Capt. C Patterson, Rockingham; Co. E, Capt. Taylor, Brunswick; Co. F. Capt. J Richardson, Louisa; Co. G, Capt. Thomas D. Jeffress, Charlotte: Co. H. Capt. Michie, Albermarle; Co. J. Capt. J. Palmer, Charlotte; Co. K, Capt. D C. Harrison, Hanover, Marion Howard is Surgeon and Dr. Evans Assistant. B. B. Patterson is Quartermaster. R. C. Nicholas, Commissary, and F., B. Goode Adjutant. The companies are excellently armed and very well eq
ements connected with that arm of service; and at no profit; and without detriment to the interests of the Company, they have completed thirty-five gun-carriages and other valuable work. It is a matter of great regret (says the report) that the condition of the country, and the consequent derangement of financial affairs, have for the present arrested the completion of the Roanoke Valley Extension, which was in process of construction, and also have postponed for the present the Western Extension of the Richmond and Danville Railroad. It is confidently believed that with the restoration of peace, both of these valuable enterprises will be prosecuted to completion. In conclusion, the report commends to the attention of the stockholders the subject of a connection of the Richmond and Danville Railroad with the North Carolina Railroad, adverted to in the recent message of President Davis. The stockholders re-assembled last night, and continued in session to a late hour.
Ranaway.--$100 reward. --Ranaway, on Monday, a Negro Boy, named Essex, about five feet eight inches high; black; stammers slightly; about twenty or twenty-two years old; weight about 150 pounds; formerly belonged to Capt. John Wright, of Plain View P. O., King and Queen county, Va., The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me at my office, in this city. He may be making his way to West Point, Va. He has a wife in that neighborhood. His upper teeth are dark, from tartar on them. oc 22--ts Benjamin Davis.