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William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik 109 1 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 17 7 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 13 3 Browse Search
William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune 10 2 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 6 0 Browse Search
Allan Pinkerton, The spy in the rebellion; being a true history of the spy system of the United States Army during the late rebellion, revealing many secrets of the war hitherto not made public, compiled from official reports prepared for President Lincoln , General McClellan and the Provost-Marshal-General . 5 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 22, 1864., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 7, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 18, 1864., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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ay to, intense and scathing ridicule. Thomas, who was obliged to sit near by and endure the pain of this unique ordeal, was ordinarily sensitive; but the exhibition goaded him to desperation. He was so thoroughly wrought up with suppressed emotion that he actually gave way to tears. I was not a witness of this scene, but the next day it was the talk of the town, and for years afterwards it was called the skinning of Thomas. Speed was there, so were A. Y. Ellis, Ninian W. Edwards, and David Davis, who was just then coming into prominence. The whole thing was so unlike Lincoln, it was not soon forgotten either by his friends or enemies. I heard him afterwards say that the recollection of his conduct that evening filled him with the deepest chagrin. He felt that he had gone too far, and to rid his good-nature of a load, hunted up Thomas and made ample apology. The incident and its sequel proved that Lincoln could not only be vindictive but manly as well. He was selected as a
te all the propositions in the six books. How he could maintain his mental equilibrium or concentrate his thoughts on an abstract mathematical proposition, while Davis, Logan, Swett, Edwards, and I so industriously and volubly filled the air with our interminable snoring was a problem none of us could ever solve. I was on the cie irksome toil that fell to their lot. Lincoln loved it. I suppose it would be a fair estimate to state that he spent over half the year following Judges Treat and Davis around on the circuit. On Saturdays the court and attorneys, if within a reasonable distance, would usually start for their homes. Some went for a fresh supply oas Lincoln, who usually spent his Sundays with the loungers at the country tavern, and only went home at the end of the circuit or term of court. At first, David Davis, Ms.relates one of his colleagues on the circuit, we wondered at it, but soon learned to account for his strange disinclination to go home. Lincoln himself nev
great and a very insignificant lawyer. Judge David Davis, in his eulogy on Lincoln at Indianapoli spoken under other circumstances. In 1866 Judge Davis said in a statement made to me in his home uit with him, but of course not so much as Judge Davis, who held the court, and whom Lincoln follove or ten minutes justified the declaration of Davis, that he was hurtful in denunciation and merciood investments and lucky terms, some of them, Davis, for example, were rapidly becoming wealthy; beeted us at many of the dingy taverns, says David Davis, Lincoln said nothing. He was once presiding as judge in the absence of Davis, and the case before him was an action brought by a merchant aged Lincoln once while he was holding court for Davis by attempting to defend against a note to whicr the first time in June of the same year. David Davis and Leonard Swett had just preceded him. Thd while there, usually roomed with Lincoln and Davis. We stopped at McCormick's hotel, an old-fash[4 more...]
a brief time came his answer: All right; go ahead. Will meet you-radicals and all. Stuart subsided, and the conservative spirits who hovered around Springfield no longer held control of the political fortunes of Abraham Lincoln. The Republican party came into existence in Illinois as a party at Bloomington, May 29, 1856. The State convention of all opponents of anti-Nebraska legislation, referred to in a foregoing paragraph, had been set for that day. Judd, Yates, Trumbull, Swett, and Davis were there; so also was Lovejoy, who, like Otis of colonial fame, was a flame of fire. The firm of Lincoln and Herndon was represented by both members. in person. The gallant William H. Bissell, who had ridden at the head of the Second Illinois Regiment at the battle of Buena Vista in the Mexican war, was nominated as governor. The convention adopted a platform ringing with strong anti-Nebraska sentiments, and then and there gave the Republican party its official christening. The busin
fice and consulted Lincoln himself about it. What did Mrs. Lincoln say? enquired the latter. She consented to have it taken away. Then, in God's name, exclaimed Lincoln, cut it down to the roots! This may explain somewhat the statement of Judge Davis that, as a general rule, when all the lawyers of a Saturday evening would go home and see their families and friends, Lincoln would find some excuse and refuse to go. We said nothing, but it seemed to us all he was not domestically happy. He uppose it was against the inherent defects, so-called, of the Bible, and on grounds of reason. Lincoln always denied that Jesus was the Christ of God--denied that Jesus was the son of God as understood and maintained by the Christian Church. David Davis tells us this: The idea that Lincoln talked to a stranger about his religion or religious views, or made such speeches and remarks about it as are published, is to me absurd. I knew the man so well; he was the most reticent, secretive man I e
ise along the corridor of all coming time. A week later the hosts were gathered for the great convention in Chicago. David Davis had rented rooms in the Tremont House and opened up Lincoln's headquarters. I was not a delegate, but belonged to then had given a letter authorizing the withdrawal of his name whenever his friends deemed such action necessary or proper. Davis was the active man, and had the business management in charge. If any negotiations were made, he made them. The convente. Then he added in words underscored. Make no contracts that will bind me. This paper was brought into the room where Davis, Judd, Logan, and I were gathered, and was read to us. But Lincoln was down in Springfield, some distance away from Chicago, and could therefore not appreciate the gravity of the situation; at least so Davis argued, and, viewing it in that light, the latter went ahead with his negotiations. What the consequences of these deals were will appear later on. The news of h
choice of his advisers he was free to act as his judgment dictated, although David Davis, acting as his manager at the Chicago convention, had negotiated with the Intment, when Mr. Lincoln inquired of Weed whom he would recommend. Henry winter Davis, was the response. David Davis, I see, has been posting you up on this questiDavid Davis, I see, has been posting you up on this question, retorted Lincoln. He has Davis on the brain. I think Maryland must be a good State to move from. The President then told a story of a witness in court in a neDavis on the brain. I think Maryland must be a good State to move from. The President then told a story of a witness in court in a neighboring county, who on being asked his age replied, Sixty. Being satisfied he was much older the question was repeated, and on receiving the same answer, the couruth is, I knew nothing. He never confided to me anything of his purposes. --David Davis, statement, September 20, 1866. To people who made such enquiries I always rrt, William, and Thomas, consisted of his brother-in-law, Dr. W. S. Wallace, David Davis, Norman B. Judd, Elmer E. Ellsworth, Ward H. Lamon, and the President's two
after his friends. settling the claims of David Davis. Swett's letter. the visit of Herndon. tmoney for him, worked and toiled for him. --David Davis, statement, September 20, 1866. It is not e to the circumstances of the appointment of David Davis as one of the Justices of the Supreme Court I was then living at Bloomington, and met Judge Davis every day. As months elapsed we used to getawyers of the old eighth Circuit, headed by Judge Davis. If, I said, Judge Davis, with his tact andJudge Davis, with his tact and force, had not lived, and all other things had been as they were, I believe you would not now be sison at Ham and has made him rich. Here is Judge Davis, whom you know to be in every respect quali the fact that he could not give this place to Davis, which would be charged to the Bloomington facme afternoon I returned to Bloomington. Judge Davis was about fifteen years my senior. I had cso thoroughly and well. February 16, 1866, David Davis, who had heard it, wrote me: You will see M[11 more...]
ion of the East were known to be dissatisfied at his nomination, when fierce conflicts were going on in New York and Pennsylvania, and when great exertions seemed requisite to harmonize and mould in concert the action of our friends, Lincoln always seemed to oppose all efforts made in the direction of uniting the party. I arranged with Mr. Thurlow Weed after the Chicago Convention to meet him at Springfield. I was present at the interview, but Lincoln said nothing. It was proposed that Judge Davis should go to New York and Pennsylvania to survey the field and see what was necessary to be done. Lincoln consented, but it was always my opinion that he consented reluctantly. He saw that the pressure of a campaign was the external force coercing the party into unity. If it failed to produce that result, he believed any individual effort would also fail. If the desired result followed, he considered it attributable to the great cause, and not aided by the lesser ones. He sat down
e Cabinet together and reading the decree. the letter to the Unconditional-Union men. the campaign of 1864. Lincoln and Andrew Johnson nominated and elected. the sensational report of Judge advocate General halt. interesting statements by David Davis and Joseph E. McDonald. how the President retained Indiana in the column of Republican States. the letter to General Sherman. the result of the election. the second inauguration. the address. military movements. the surrender at Appomatut added, I'll keep them in prison awhile to keep them from killing the Government. I am fully satisfied therefore that Lincoln was opposed to these military commissions, especially in the Northern States, where everything was open and free.--David Davis, statement, September 10, 1866, to W. H. H. I was counsel for Bowles, Milligan, et al., who had been convicted of conspiracy by military tribunal in Indiana. Early in 1865 I went to Washington to confer with the President, whom I had know