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The Daily Dispatch: June 20, 1861., [Electronic resource], The work for the Northern Congress. (search)
ditures must be reduced while the war exists, and thus the country will be the better enabled to support the expenses of the war, which no reasonable estimate makes less than three hundred millions a year. The burden of this debt ought not to be thrown on the present generation, who suffer enough from the privations and calamities of the war; but upon posterity, who are to enjoy the calm that will follow this tempest. Nothing will probably be proposed in the coming Congress with a view to the restoration of peace. There are several members elect, however, who are avowed advocates of peace and Union. The plan of effecting a pacification by amendments to the Constitution has been put out of the question by the withdrawal of so many States that the amendments cannot be ratified. Congress will propose no truce with a view to negotiation, and President Davis says in his letter the Maryland committee, that though desirous of peace, he cannot renew an offer of negotiation.
e lost, the boats were lowered and sent away full of people. Boat number eight upset, and all in her perished. Five minutes after the lowering of the boats the ship went down bow first, with a heavy plunge, in forty fathoms of water, and drew down all that were on board except six, who were picked up, one of whom died. At the time the ship went down there was a fearful explosion aft. The Captain's boat was about twenty feet from the ship when it sunk, and it was nearly swamped. Mr. Davis, second officer, went down with the ship; also, Mr. Panton, the mill officer, who was endeavoring to save the mails-- Only seven mail bags were saved The cabin passengers known to be lost are as follows: Rev. Mr. Blount, lady and two children; Mr Mayhew, of Wisconsin, and Captain Wyckman. Not less than twenty of the steerage passengers, six of the cabin, and ten of the crew were lost. The passengers suffered considerably from sleeping in the hold of a salt laden French vessel The Ca
The Daily Dispatch: June 20, 1861., [Electronic resource], North Carolina delegates to the Confederate Congress. (search)
North Carolina delegates to the Confederate Congress. --The Convention of North Carolina, on the 18th instant, elected the following delegates to the Confederate Congress. For the State at large — W. W. Avery and Geo. Davis; 1st District, W. N. H. Smith; 2d, Thos. Roffin; 3d, T. D. McDowell; 4th, A. W. Venable; 5th. John M. Morehead; 6th R. C. Puryear; 7th, Burton Craige; 8th, A. D. Davidson.
Artillery --Tuesday evening, the commissioned and noncommissioned staff of the Battalion of Washington Artillery, with Major Walton, came from the camp to this city, accompanied with their excellent Brass Band of 12 pieces, and serenaded President Davis at the Spotswood House. After discoursing several appropriate airs, to the admiration of a large audience. Major Walton and Staff were invited to the reception-room of the President, when Mrs. Davis did the hospitable attentions, aided by Mrs. Davis did the hospitable attentions, aided by a large number of ladies, in her wonted generous style. An hour was agreeably passed, both Mr. and Mrs. D. paying the Battalion high compliments. The Battalion band also serenaded some of our distinguished citizens, and after three or four hours of festive entertainment, the Staff returned to Camp Beauregard toward the "wee small hours." This Battalion is now being supplied with an additional battery by the Confederate Government composed of six-pounders, twelve pound howitzers and rifled