Browsing named entities in The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman). You can also browse the collection for James C. Davis or search for James C. Davis in all documents.

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giving opportunities for the employment of additional capital and labor. James C. Davis & Son. In the year 1835 the late James C. Davis made his first venture iJames C. Davis made his first venture in the soap business in this city, gathering the material from house to house, which was a custom followed by every soap-maker at that time. In 1840, by dint of zea06, and 208 Broadway, where for forty-six years, or up to date, the name of James C. Davis, or James C. Davis & Son, the latter appendage being added in 1870 by the aJames C. Davis & Son, the latter appendage being added in 1870 by the admittance of Mr. James H. Davis as a member of the concern, has appeared on the now familiar sign. On March 14, 1888, the founder of the business, Mr. James C. DavMr. James C. Davis, died, since which time it has been carried on by his successors. They employ sixty-five hands. Never has this house known disaster, save the burning of the faew England. Every city and town in New England is familiar with the famous James C. Davis Old Soap, also the E. A. & W. Winchester Standard Soap, which are manufactu
h, 341. F. L. Lamkin & Co., 341. G. B. Lenfest, 341. Lombard & Caustic, 341. Powell & Co., 341. C. H. Taylor & Co., 341. Louis F. Weston, 341. Edward W. Wheeler, 341. Publishing. Ginn & Co., 337-339. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 334-336. Pumps. Geo. F. Blake Manufacturing Co., 353. Rubber goods. American Rubber Co., 381. Shoe blacking and Metal Polish. W. W. Reid Manufacturing Co., 395. Soap. Carr Brothers, 362. Curtis Davis & Co., 358. James C. Davis & Co., 359. C. L. Jones & Co., 361. Lysander Kemp & Sons, 360. Charles R. Teele, 362. Spring-Beds. Howe Spring-Bed Co., 393. New England Spring-Bed Co., 392. Stone work. William A. Bertsch, 389. Charles River Stone Co., 389. Connecticut Steam Stone Co., 389. Austin Ford & Son. 389. A. Higgins & Co., 389. John J. Horgan. 389. Alexander McDonald & Son, 388. R. J. Rutherford. 389. Union Marble and Granite Works, 389. Sugar. Revere Sugar Refine