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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Historical sketch of the Rockbridge artillery, C. S. Army, by a member of the famous battery. (search)
e. First Lieutenant, Archibald Graham. Second Lieutenant, John McD. Alexander. Acting Surgeon, Dr. John Leyburn. Sergeants. James C. Davis, J. Baxter McCorkle, Willianm M. Brown, J. Livingston Massie, James L. Paxton, C. D. Fishburne, Samuel C. Smith. John D. Moore, Q. M. Sergeant. Corporals. William L. Strickler, John M. Goul, John W. Jordan, Jr, Henry R. Paine, James M. Garnett, Willoughby N. Brockenbrough, David E. Moore, Jr. Artificers. John B. Craig, Mark Davis. Whilst here, we indulged in roasting-ears and fresh potatoes, purchased from neighboring farmers, and one of the boys, who was said to have eaten a dozen ears of corn for his dinner one day, had a spell of typhoid fever. We had our bunks in the woods at first, but the surgeon required us to pitch our tents in the cleared land, and to sleep in them. This was, in many respects, a delightful camping-place, though we had to march about a mile every day—sometimes twice a day—to find level g