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ion of the amount of the Confederate forces in the field may be gained from the following conversation: --Seward asked him how many rebels were now in arms as be believed. He replied, "Well, I can't say exactly; but as we have had seven hundred thousand, and as our armies — agreeable to the statements — have always defeated overwhelming bodies of rebels at least two to one, they must have a million and a half." The bulletins are daily filled with the most absurd canards — such as President Davis's death--Gen. Jackson's capture--Gen. Lee wounded--30,000 Confederate prisoners--great Union victory at the Creek of Antietam, all of which are greedily devoured and believed. After Pope's defeat, there were 25,000 wounded brought into Washington. --Once the Confederates crossed into Maryland and the ght at Sharpsburg, eight thousand have been brought into Washington, one thousand into Baltimore, one thousand into Philadelphia, the same number into New York, and it is said that there <
The Daily Dispatch: October 1, 1862., [Electronic resource], A decision Adverse to the Constitutionality of the Conscript law. (search)
It enacts, also, that the President shall appoint the officers — a clear and palpable violation of the rights of the States reserved in said 10th clause. In this view I am sustained by the President of the Confederate States himself. The fact is recorded in his life, written by John Savage, contained in a book entitled "Our Living Representative Men," page 172, as follows: "The term of enlistment of the handful that remained of the Mississippi regiment, expired in July, 1847. and Col. Davis was ordered name. While in New Orleans he received from the President Polk the commission of Brigadier General Volunteers, but declined the honor on the ground that neither Congress nor the President had a right to make such an appointment. The Constitution reserved to the States, respectively, the appointment of officers of the militia, and consequently the mption of this duty by the Federal Government was a violation of the rights of the States." The Constitution he was then livi
untain our loss was — Killed433 At South Mountain our loss was — Wounded1,806 At South Mountain our loss was — Missing76 Total2,325 At Antietam our loss was — Killed2,010 At Antietam our loss was — Wounded9,416 At Antietam our loss was — Missing1,040 Total12,469 Loss in the two battles14,796 The rebels in the two battles, as near as can be ascertained, from the number of their dead found upon the field, and from other data, will not fall short of the following statement: Major Davis, Assistant Inspector-General, who superintends the burial of the dead, reports about 3,000 rebels buried upon the field of Antietam by our troops. Previous to this however, the rebels had buried many of their own dead upon the distant portion of the battle-field, which they occupied after the battle, probably at least 500. The losses of the rebels at South Mountain cannot be ascertained with accuracy; but as our troops continually drove them from the commencement of the action,
ree, Annapoller Robert--, free, Maryland. Charles. L Hawkins, slave of John Milchail Maryland. R. B. Wilson, free, Ohio. Wm Jos Burk, free, boy, New York. Wm H Richards, free, Baltimore Md. Jno Cox, slave of Richard Eyond King and Q- co. Chas Montgomery, free, D C. Reed Harrison, free, Prince William co, Va. Thos Jackson, free, New York State. Carter Freeman, slave of John Wood, Fauquier co, Va. Jas Harns, free, Pennsylvania. Chas Boswell, slave of Wm Davis, Princes William co, Va. Richmond Roane, slave of Dr Fontleroy, Hanoval Dan, slave of Samuel Humphreys, Stafford co, Va. Alex Johnson, free, New York. Mary Cook, slave of Mrs Randolph, Fredericksburg. John, slave of Capt Stevens, Fredericksburg. Abram Spencer, free Strasburg, Va. Charley--, free, Prince William co, Va. Samuel Hill, free, Washington. John Read, slave of Mrs Stillston, Front Royal Va. Esau, slave of Wm Bowen, Fauquier co, Va. Ed Hamilton,
times as great as our own. Our loss all told — killed, wounded, and missing — was about 350--certainly under 400. The loss of officers upon both sides was heavy, and showed the animus with which the battle was fought. On the Federal side, Col. Davis, formerly of Mississippi, and acting Brigadier-General, was killed--one of the best cavalry officers in the Federal service. Col. Percy Wyndham reported by his own men wounded, and several field officers were left dead upon the field. A large N C, Co. G, Richmond; Jones Henderson, 2d M C, company G, Richmond; Daniel Biggins, Cobb's Legion, Co. K Richmond; Andrew Willis, 1st S C, Co. B, Gordonsville; George Longtby, Chews's Va battery, Richmond; Miles Dorman, 2d Va, Co. C. Richmond; Wm Davis, 4th Va. Co. K, Richmond; James Ponton, 2d Va, Co. C. Richmond; Geo Denton, 2d Va, Co. C; Richmond; Henry Salmon. White's batt, Co. B Richmond; W Hubbard, White's batt, Co. B, Richmond; Chat Wilson, 7th Va, Co. G, Richmond; P Nath, 9th Va, Co.