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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Chimborazo hospital , C. S. A. From the News leader, January 7 , 1909 . (search)
200 dollars reward.
--Ranaway, on the 20th inst, from my house, near Frederick Hall, in Louisa county, a negro man named Harris.
He is about 21 years old, 5 feet 6 inches high, weighs about 180 pounds, and is thick set; had on when he left a gray soldier's jacket and a pair of cassimere pants, patched.
I purchased him some few weeks ago from S. N. Davis, of Richmond.
He was formerly from Mississippi.
I will pay the above reward for his delivery to me, or to Wade & Jones, on Brook Avenue, Richmond. Chas E. Jones. fe 24--5t*
--$100 reward will be paid for the delivery to S. N. Davis & Co of a negro boy John.
He is about 18 years old, gingerbread color; he had on a black felt hat, boots tipped on the toes, and gray pantaloons, when he left Friday.
He was rare don Albemarle, by Dr. T. J. Cook Geo Turner mh 14--6t
Arrival of Confederate prisoners.
--Quite an ovation was tendered our prisoners who arrived in this city from City Point yesterday afternoon.
They were met at the wharf by a large number of friends and escorted through the streets by Smith's band.
On reaching the corner of Main and 13th streets the procession turned up Governor street, through which they marched till reaching Capitol Square, where they came to a halt and were add and encouraging terms by President Davis, and Governor Smith. Col J. Lucius Davis of this city, also one of the prisoners who returned yesterday, made a few cool stirring remarks, during which he took occasion to make some allusions to his recent experience as a prisoner in the Northern bastiles.
--$100 reward will be paid for the delivery to S. N. Davis & Co. of a negro boy named John.
He is about 18 years old, gingerbread color; he had on a black felt hat, boots tipped on the toes, and gray pantaloons, when he left Friday.
He was raised in Albemarle, by Dr. T. J. Cook Geo. Turner mh 14--6t
--$100 reward will be paid for the delivery to S. N. Davis & Co of a negro boy named John.
He is about 18 years old, gingerbread color; he had on a black felt hat, boots tipped on the toes, and gray pantaloons, when he left Friday.
He was raised in Albemarle, by Dr. T. J. Cook. Geo. Turner. mh 14--6t
--$100 reward will be paid for the delivery to S. N. Davis & Co. of a negroes be named John.
He is about 18 years old, ginger bread color; he had on a black felt hat, boots lipped on the toes, and gray pantaloons, when he left Friday, he was raised in Albemarle by Dr. T. J. Cook. Geo Turner. mh 29--6t*