Curiosa Americana, 55
Curtis, G. W., 345
Curwen, Alice, 8
Cushman, Charlotte, 225
Custis, George Washington, 221, 225
D'Alembert, 91
Daly, Augustin, 229
Daly, Charles P., 216 n.
Damsel of Darien, 317
Dana, Richard Henry, 240, 262, 269, 269 n., 276, 278, 321, 345
Danse Canadienne, 188
Dante, 174, 264
Darby, William, 189
Davenant, 157
Davenport, E. L., 223, 224
Davis, John, 202, 234, 291
Day of doom, the, 156, 157
Days (Emerson), 359
Deane, Charles, 20
Death (Porteus), 263, 263 n.
Death of Schiller, the, 270 n.
Death of slavery, the, 270
Decatur, Captain, 226
Debates (Elliott), 147 n.
Declaration of the causes and necessity of taking up arms, 141, 142
Declaration of Independence, 142-143
Declarations and resolves (I 774), 134
Deerslayer, the, 209, 303-304
Defence of the Constitution of government of the United States of America, 147
Defence of the letter from a Gentleman at Halifax, etc., A, 128