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Baton Rouge and seized all the excellent arms and war material there contained. Thus was the State relieved in twelve hours of the U. S. troops, and enriched by the possession of the largest ordnance buildings in the country — the property and military debris of which has been estimated at three millions of dollars. The artillery are excellently officered--Major Walton, who is greatly and deservedly estimated by this men, having been engaged in the Mexican war, while Capt. Rosser and Lieuts. Dearing and Garnet are graduates of West Point Military School. Capt. Rosser is highly appreciated for his thorough and practical acquaintance with military science. The standard of the Washington Artillery is very magnificent, and cost $1,000. It was presented by the ladies of New Orleans on the 22d of February last in presence of three thousand troops.--The flag itself is of fine yellow silk, richly embroidered on either side with State and military emblems. The fringe is deep and elegant,