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When Col. Corcoran, while a prisoner at Richmond, Va., was told that he was to be hung if one of the privateers on trial at the North was selected for punishment by death, he said: Well, sir, I am ready; when I engaged in this war I made up my mind to sacrifice my life, if necessary, in defence of that flag under which I have lived and gained an honorable position. --Buffalo Courier, Dec. 9. Norfolk, Nov. 18, 1861. the news of the arrival in Hampton Roads of Ministers Slidell and Mason, also their secretaries, in the United States frigate San Jacinto excited considerable interest here on Saturday night and yesterday. It is stated by a gentleman from Old Point that six shots were fired between the two vessels. It is also reported that the papers of the Ministers were not taken, and that the ladies connected with the party were allowed to proceed on the voyage.--Richmond Dispatch.
Condemned out of their own Mouths — In the instructions which Mr. Toombs, as Secretary of State, gave to privateers, we find the following passage: Neutral vessels, conveying enemies' despatches, or military persons in the service of the enemy, forfeit their neutral character, and are liable to capture and condemnation. If we had applied this general rule to the Trent, she would have been lying in one of our harbors as a prize.--Cincinnati Times, Dec. 2.
The Richmond Examiner tells with solemn horror that Lincoln's soldiers at Harper's Ferry amuse themselves by lying in wait and shooting the little fair-haired girls of the village on their way to school. It mentions the names of two or three innocent little victims, and tells the vile lie with such an air of sincerity that no doubt many of its readers believe it.--Baltimore American, Dec. 7.
In Eastport, Me., a general news despatch is received every evening, and at the sound of a bell, the people collect and listen to the last news. An officer passes through the crowd, and takes a contribution to defray the expenses of telegraphing.--Cincinnati Times, Dec. 3.
The Memphis Appeal contains the following items of Texas news: In the Texas House of Representatives a resolution was adopted instructing the sergeant-at-arms to remove from the beak of the eagle, over the Speaker's chair, the United States motto, E Pluribus Unum. We notice since that the obnoxious motto is absent. A joint resolution has been introduced, and will doubtless pass, approving of the promptness of the President in providing for retaliation, in case of the execution of the condemned privateers by the Lincoln Government.--Louisville Journal, Dec. 24.
Richmond, Dec. 19--Hon. Charles James Faulkner and Honorable Alfred Ely--one a quasi prisoner and the other a real one--had a very pleasant interview yesterday at the Confederate States Military Prison, where Mr. Faulkner called to see Mr. Ely. We are told that there was great rejoicing in the prison, but whether it was confined to the breast of Mr. Ely, or shared by his fellow-captives, we were not informed. The circumstances that induced the Lincoln Government to allow Mr. Faulkner, whohe has proved himself a man of kindly disposition and amiable impulses since here, and on his own account we could find no objection to his being returned to the bosom of his family, if he would stay there, and not attempt to influence the minds of the fanatics of the North by his harangues. His own assurances have been given that he will not, but the question is, will Old Abe and his sable crowd allow him to keep so commendable a resolution? We think not.--Fredericksburg Recorder, Dec. 23.
Very scandalous reports are rife concerning Col. Scott, nephew and secretary of the old General. It is boldly asserted that he is the traitor who has done so much mischief by revealing cabinet secrets and the plans of the Commander-in-Chief to the enemy. The failure of the scheme against the rebel camp at Munson's Hill, which was known only to Gen. Scott, Gen. McClellan, and Col. Scott, is attributed to the latter. It is intimated that the suspicions against Col. Scott were so strong, that his friends advised him to quit the country, and that this had something to do with the sudden resignation of Gen. Scott and his departure with his nephew and others for Europe. It is probable that these rumors and suspicions have been exaggerated.--Buffalo Courier, Dec. 6.
se on her trip from Philadelphia. I have now to record another instance of female heroism. A young lady of Maryland, as gentle and genuine a woman as the South contains, but withal a true heroine, has, after braving many hardships, recently arrived here. Reaching the Potomac, she found a boat and a negro to row it, but the negro refused to attempt to cross, for fear, as he said, the Yankees would shoot him. Drawing a pitsol from her pocket, our heroine told him coolly she would shoot him herself if he didn't cross. The negro quailed, rowed her over to the Virginia shore, and thus, utterly alone, she came to her friends in Richmond, with her petticoats quilted with quinine, her satchel full of letters, many of them containing money, and with no end of spool-thread, needles, pins, and other little conveniences now so hard to get in the blockaded South. The name of this heroine ought not to be withheld from the historian. It is Miss Nannie Webster.--Baltimore American, Dec. 27.
An old Offender.--Wm. H. Ross, a well-known colored man of Richmond, Va., was hailed by the night watch, and responded by running off. He was caught, however, and the Mayor ordered him thirty-nine, and to be confined. The negro in question is called an old offender by the police, and has, through their instrumentality, been ordered 1,000 lashes in the course of a not very extended life.--Richmond Dispatch, Dec. 23.
On the 9th of December, the Confederate States Court at Richmond, Va., decided in the case of Elken & Bros., of Mobile, that no change of citizenship after the commencement of hostilities can protect the property of an alien enemy from sequestration.--Buffalo Courier, Dec. 19.