ive persons in Cambridge had the disease in 1751, of whom three died, in Boston, with a total population of 15,734, 5,060 whites had it the natural way, of whom 470 died; also, 485 blacks, of whom 69 died; and by inoculation 1,985 whites and 139 blacks were sick, of whom 24 whites and 6 blacks died.
The town continued, as aforetime, to be watchful against the admission of undesirable associates.
At a meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of the town of Cambridge, orderly convened 9th Decr. 1723.—Whereas, of late years, sundry persons and families have been received and entertained amongst us, to the great trouble of the Selectmen and damage of the town: for preventing such inconveniences for the future, Voted, that henceforth no freeholder nor inhabitant in said town shall receive or admit any family into our town to reside amongst us for the space of a month, without first having obtained the allowance and approbation of the freeholders and inhabitants of said town, or of th
omas Whittemore 1 Nov. 1783; Francis, b. 17 Ap. 1763; Ezekiel, b. 24 Dec . 1764; Ebenezer,, b. 31 Dec. 1766; Abigail, b. 19 Jan. 1769, m. Sam; Maria, b. 22 Ap. 1798; Gershom, b. 12 Mar. 1800; Aaron Burr, b. 10 Dec . 1801; Jefferson, b. 22 Sept. 1803.
Aaron the f. d. 25 Dec. 1822, d he m.; his chil.
were Sarah, bap. 23 Sept. 1770); Edmund, bap. 20 Dec 1772; and probably others.
23. Edmund, s. of Richard (12), grad.
. in 1694, a. 93.
2. John, s. of John (1), m. Rebecca Errington 9 Dec 1668, and had Rebecca , b. 4 Oct. 1669, and perhaps others.
He d. 1, b. 8 Aug. 1705, was a carpenter, m. Mary, dau. of Samuel Kidder, 9 Dec,. 1731, removed to Grafton, and d. here, on a visit 10 Dec. 1759, le71; Martha, bap. 18 Ap. 1714; d. unm.
and her estate was divided 12 Dec 1781.
4. John, s. of Nathaniel (2), grad.
H C. 1689, taught the is w. Eunice d. 1 Oct. 1825, a. 76.
Mercy, dau. of Samuel, bap. 5 Dec 1697.
John, s. of Timothy, bap. 15 Ap. 1722.
Hannah, m. Downing Ch
22. Samuel, S. of Samuel (12). m. Susanna Francis of Medf.
28 Ap. 1757, and had Samuel, bap. 26.
Feb . 1758; William, bap. 22 July 1759; Susanna, bap. 15 May 1761, m. Thomas Whittemore 1 Nov. 1783; Francis, b. 17 Ap. 1763; Ezekiel, b. 24 Dec . 1764; Ebenezer,, b. 31 Dec. 1766; Abigail, b. 19 Jan. 1769, m. Samuel Cutter 21 Jan. 1787; Anne, b. 25 June 1771, m. William Whittemore, Jr., 2 Feb). 1796; Adam, b. 13 Ap. 1773; Edward, b. 9 June 1775, d. 2 Aug. 1778; Washington, b. Is June, 177. 1784, and d. 12 Dec. 1840, a. 83.
His w. Sarah d. 9 Feb. 1840, a. 84.
49. Aaron, s. of (Gershom (42), m. Polly Putnam of Medford 23 Aug. 1796, and had Rhoda, b. 31 Mar. 1797; Maria, b. 22 Ap. 1798; Gershom, b. 12 Mar. 1800; Aaron Burr, b. 10 Dec . 1801; Jefferson, b. 22 Sept. 1803.
Aaron the f. d. 25 Dec. 1822, a. 50.
50. Nehemiah, s. of Gershom (15), m. Martha Bowman 17 July 1739, and had Samuel, bap. 20 July 1740; Martha, b. 1 Nov. 1742, m. Henry Luckis 12 Feb. 1767; Elizabeth, b. 1
Samuel, b. 28 Oct. 1644.
His w. Rebecca was buried at Rox. 1 . Dec. 1661, and he m. Joanna wid. of Henry Prentice, 24 July 1662.
He signed a petition to the King in 1688, and d. in 1694, a. 93.
2. John, s. of John (1), m. Rebecca Errington 9 Dec 1668, and had Rebecca , b. 4 Oct. 1669, and perhaps others.
He d. 15 Oct. 1679, a. 38; his w. Rebecca d. 4 Dec. 1713, after having long been a pensioner on the bounty of the Church.
73. Samuel, s. of John (1), m. Sarah Pemberton 30 Oct. 1668; ut issue about 1770; Benjamin, 1. 26 Aug. 1696;, d. 29 Dec. 1702; Elizabeth. b. 24 Aug. 1699; Martha, b. 12 Aug. 1702, m. Walter Cooper 7 ,June 1722.
and d. 10 Ap. 1768; Benjamin, b. 8 Aug. 1705, was a carpenter, m. Mary, dau. of Samuel Kidder, 9 Dec,. 1731, removed to Grafton, and d. here, on a visit 10 Dec. 1759, leaving children Josiah, Benj., Nath., ,James, Eliz., Sam., Mary, and Hannah; John, . 18 May 1709 Thomas, b. in Chs. 14 Aug. 1712; William, bap. here—Aug. 1716.
Benjamin the f. was