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a name for the South. Emmet's production was sung for the first time on Monday night, September 19, 1859, at 472 Broadway, New York City, where Bryant's Minstrels were then showing. It enjoyed instant popularity. Its vogue in the South was begun in New Orleans in the Spring of 1861. Mrs. John Woods was then playing at the New Orleans Varieties Theater in John Brougham's burlesque of ‘Pocahontas.’ In the last scene was a zouave march. At the first performance the zouaves were led by Miss Susan Denin, singing ‘Dixie,’ and reappearing seven times in answer to the persistent applause. The whole South took it up. Swear upon your country's altar Never to submit or falter, Till the spoilers are defeated, Till the Lord's work is completed!Halt not till our Federation Secures among earth's powers its station! Then at peace, and crowned with glory, Hear your children tell the story! If the loved ones weep in sadness, Victory soon shall bring them gladness,— To arms! Exultant pride soo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.14 (search)
tas, by John Brougham, was the attraction, and in the last scene a zouave march was introduced. Carlo Patti, brother of Adalina Patti, was the leader of the orchestra. At the rehearsal Carlo was at a loss as to what air to appropriate. Crowning triumph. Trying several, he finally hit upon Dixie. Tom McDonough shouted:That will do—the very thing; play it to-night. Mrs. John Wood, Mark Smith, Loffingwell, and John Owens were delighted. Night came, the Zouaves marched on, led by Miss Susan Denin, singing I wish I was in Dixie. The audience became wild with delight and seven encores were demanded. Soon after the war broke out. The Washington Artillery had the tune arranged for a quickstep by Romoe Meneri. The saloons, the parlors, the streets rang with the Dixie air, and Dixie became to the South what the Marsellaise is to France. Other authorities. Now, to support what I state: Niel Bryant is now in Washington holding some government office; he ought to be able to back
Actress in trouble. --Susan Denin, the notorious actress, has got herself into trouble at Detroit. The critic of one of the newspapers did not have a very high appreciation of her capabilities and wrote as much in a notice of her performances; whereupon the supposed husband of the lady waited upon the critic and pounded his head with a tumbler, while Susan stood by, anxious to lend her aid. The lovely pair made tracks for Canada as soon as they had thus vindicated their honor.
the regiment should never go out of the department. There is great mortality among the negro troops; and the Macon House, once a well known hotel in Portsmouth, has been converted into a hospital for them. Regiments of negroes, numbering at their organization 1,000, are now reduced to six hundred. Those is North Carolina have suffered as severely. Wm. R. Houghton, a citizen, was arrested for appearing in Federal uniform. He had been confined in Fort Norfolk for having a Confederate Major's commission in his house. He "took the oath" and was released. Among the Court proceedings we see a suit of Geo. H. Merriam, of Norfolk, against Wm. Webster, of Newport News, for $14, 1000. The property of Webster had been attached. The remains of Sanborn, the Yankee lieutenant killed by Dr. D. M. Wright, had been disinterred and sent North. The pastor of a negro church delivered a discourse over it from the Custom- House steps. Miss Susan Denin is playing at Norfolk.