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Your search returned 33 results in 7 document sections:
--The members of Company "A," Fire Brigade, last evening presented a handsome gold medal to their commander, Capt. John T. Rogers.
The ceremony took place at their engine-house.
Samuel D. Denoon, Esq., on behalf of the company, addressed some remarks to Capt. R., expressive of their esteem, and closed by bestowing upon him the medal.
A grateful response was made by the recipient.
On one side of the medal is inscribed--"To Capt. J. T. Rogers, by Co. A, Richmond Fire Brigade, 1860." On the reverse--"Presented as a token of their esteem for him as a fireman and commander."
The Daily Dispatch: March 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Movements in the army and Navy. (search)
City Council.
--The following persons will be supported for the City Council in Monroe Ward:
David J. Saunders,
Robert F. Morris,
Samuel D. Denoon.
Fleming Griffin,
L. Glazebrook,
mh 26--tde
City Council.
--The regular monthly meeting of the Council was held at the City Hall yesterday evening at 4 o'clock. Present — D. J. Saunders, N. B. Hill, L. W. Glasebrook, Fleming Griffin, J. A. Scott, D. J. Burr, A. Y. Stokes, Thos. C. Epps, T. H. Wynne, Samuel D. Denoon, P. R. Grattan.
The Coroner's report of the number of inquests held by him, certain accounts against the city, reports of police officers, and other papers, were presented and referred.
The application of F. R. Smith, Lieutenant of Artillery, in the Wise Legion, for $300 additional to one thousand dollars already contributed by the city for the use of a company of artillery attached to the Wise Legion, commanded by Capt. Jas. Kirby, now in service, was read and referred to the Committee on Arms.
A resolution was adopted, at the suggestion of Mr. Grattan, ordering the City Auditor to pay the sums due and recovered against it by a decree of the Circuit Court on the 12th of March, 1859.
The fol
City Council.
--A called meeting of this body was held at the City Hall at 5 o'clock yesterday evening.
Present — D. J. Saunders, D. J. Burr, N. B. Hill, Samuel D. Denoon, J. A. Scott, J. M. Talbott, W. Holt Richardson, and Thos. H. Wynne.
The body had been convened at the request of the General Superintendent of the Virginia Central railroad, who represented by a communication addressed to the Council, that several of the best engines of the company and a large number of its cars had been caught in the city, and could not be used, by reason of the presence of the enemy on the road, a short distance from this city Mr. Whitcomb asked the permission of the Council to lay down a temporary track from the Virginia Central road to the depot of the Richmond and Fredericksburg road, on Broad street, promising that it should be made as temporary as possible, and offer no serious objections to the crossings.
The permission asked for was granted.
A petition was presented from Me
The Daily Dispatch: April 2, 1863., [Electronic resource], Reported Confederate triumph in North Carolina . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], Senator Hunter become a tariff man. (search)
Runaway horses — a frightful Scene.
--About twelve o'clock yesterday, a frightful accident occurred on Ninth street, north of Main.
A hack, in which were Mrs. Samuel D. Denoon and her son-in-law, Mr. George Crutchfield, who had been to the Capitol on business, left the Square, and on passing lown Ninth street, the driver pulled his horses to one side for the purpose of avoiding a collision with a dray going up; and in doing so ran against a tree-box near Lewis Smith's periodical store, w to check and secure the horses, and, as they stopped, large numbers of persons gathered about the hack, some from curiosity and some with the intention of rendering aid to the occupants.
A surgeon, however, soon dispersed the crowd, and then Mrs. Denoon was taken out and carried into the store of P. Horton Keach, under the Spotswood Hotel, where she was attended by Dr. H. Cabell Tabb; but afterwards her family physician, Dr. Cunningham, was sent for. As soon as she was sufficiently restored,