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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.29 (search)
f the discretion allowed him, and sent word to Devens that he would come in person with his historicart's mill, a short distance above the Bluff. Devens undertook their capture, by attacking with Phi arms, with a loss of three men wounded, while Devens reports one killed, nine wounded and three missing. Meantime, Devens had been reinforced by one hundred men of the Twentieth Massachusetts, undttack should be developed. About 11 o'clock Devens again advanced, but was met in strong contentierations. The key of the battle-field. Devens, with the Fifteenth Massachusetts, was holding was the key of the situation, Hunton assailed Devens' left with a vigor that caused him to retire irt, that he went to the point occupied by Colonels Devens and Lee and found that they had decided ohe enemy, referred to by General Stone and Colonel Devens, was Lieutenant Charles B. Wildman, of Loum Massachusetts, Mississippi and Virginia. Colonel Devens was afterwards brevetted Major General, an[7 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
A., 180. Cutheriell, Captain C. A., 160. Dabney. Dr. R. L. 2,179. Dahlgren Raid, 181; How a woman saved Richmond from, 353. Dahlgren, Colonel, Ulric, 181; Savage orders of, 187, 188, 356; Negro hung by, 184, 356; Murder of two boys, 185; Looting by his men, 189. Daniel, Major John W 2 195 218, 244 327. David's Island Hospital, 32. Davidson, Lieutenant, Hunter, 323. Davis, wounded Colonel, 199. Dearing, Major, James, 329. Decisive Battles of the World, 255. Devens, General, Charles, 273 Douglas, Colonel, Henry Kyd, 195. Drewry, Major Augustus H. 82. Drewry's Bluff, New Light on Battle of, 82. Early, General J. A., Strategy of, and thin gray line at Cedar Creek, 195– Valley Campaign of, 272; Ordered Chambersburg to be burned in retaliation, 214; a remarkable character, 217. Edwards, Lieutenant J. R., 211. Eggleston, Mrs., John Randolph, 191. Ellery, Captain W., killed, 185. Elzey, General, Arnold, the Blucher ot Manassas, 174. Emmerson, Capta