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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 3: the White Oak Road. (search)
there was nothing to oppose him there but the right wing of Roberts' slender brigade, picketing the White Oak Road. But when he received a positive order to secure that point on the morning of the 30th, he seems to have moved so late and moderately that Fitzhugh Lee had time to march from Sutherland's Station to Five Forks, and thence half-way to Dinwiddle Court House to meet him; and even then, attacking with a single division, although this outnumbered the enemy by a thousand men, General Devin's Division numbered, according to returns of March 30, 169 officers and 2830 men, present for duty. he permitted his demonstration on Five Forks to be turned into a reconnaissance half-way out, General Merritt's despatch of March 30th. Rebellion Records, Serial 97, p. 326. his advance being checked at the forks of the Ford and Boisseau Road, where it remained all night and until itself attacked the next morning. General Fitzhugh Lee's testimony. Warren Court Records, vol. i., p.
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
erb,--cavalry-chivalry! Sheridan is not here. He is down on the Rio Grande,--a surveyor, a draughtsman, getting ready to illustrate Seward's diplomatic message to Napoleon that a French army cannot force an Austrian Emperor on the Mexican Republic. Crook, so familiar to our army, is not here, preferring an engagement elsewhere and otherwise; for love, too, bears honors to-day. Soldierly Merritt is at the head, well deserving of his place. Leading the divisions are Custer, Davies, and Devin, names known before and since in the lists of heroes. Following also, others whom we know: Gibbs, Wells, Pennington, Stagg of Michigan, Fitzhugh of New York, Brayton Ives of Connecticut. Dashing Kilpatrick is far away. Grand Gregg we do not see; nor level-headed Smith, nor indomitable Prin. Cilley, with his 1st Maine Cavalry; these now sent to complete the peace around Petersburg. Now rides the provost marshal general, gallant George Macy of the 20th Massachusetts, his right arm sym
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 28 (search)
at he hoped such a step as that might not become necessary, and then went on to speak of his plan of battle. We all rode on farther to the front, and soon met General Devin of the cavalry, who was considerably elated by his successes of the morning, and loudly demanded to be permitted to make a general attack on the enemy. Sheridan told him he didn't believe he had ammunition enough. Said Devin: I guess I've got enough to give 'em one surge more. Colonel Babcock now left us to return to headquarters. About one o'clock it was reported by the cavalry that the enemy was retiring to his intrenched position at Five Forks, which was just north of the White Oaallant Merritt made a final dash, went over the earthworks with a hurrah, captured a battery of artillery, and scattered everything in front of them. Here Custer, Devin, Fitzhugh, and the other cavalry leaders were in their element, and vied with each other in deeds of valor. Crawford's division had moved off in a northerly direc
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
his command, and pushed for the James River. One column, under General Devin, pressed rapidly to it at Scottsville, in Albemarle County, andon, a distance of fifteen miles. Then Custer, in one direction, and Devin in another, made complete destruction of the railways and bridges, rmation and connection. Sheridan sent a part of his cavalry, under Devin, supported by General Davies, to the five Forks; but the works thertling farther to the right, had boldly pushed forward the troops of Devin and Davies to the five Forks. They captured the works there, and s much difficulty, the Confederates interposed between the troops of Devin and Davies and Sheridan's main body, at Dinwiddie Court-House. This compelled Devin to make a long, circuitous March, by the Boydton road, to rejoin his chief. The movement was mistaken by the Confederates charged upon their flank, and compelled them to give up the chase. Devin soon rejoined the main body, upon which the Confederates fell with
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 21: closing events of the War.--assassination of the President. (search)
ates, while Custer, with his division, should pass on and attack a point farther in advance. Such was the result. Crook was repulsed, and Custer gained the road at Sailor's Creek, a small tributary of the Appomattox. The divisions of Crook and Devin pressed up to his support, when the Confederate line was pierced, and four hundred wagons, sixteen guns, and many men were captured. By this blow, Ewell's corps, which was following the train, was cut off from Lee's main body. Sheridan resolvedes, his advance, under General Custer, had reached Appomattox Station, on the Lynchburg railroad, and captured four trains of cars, laden with supplies for Lee's starving army, whose vanguard was just then approaching. These Custer, supported by Devin, pushed back to, Appomattox Court-House, five miles northward, near which was Lee's main body, capturing twenty-five guns, a hospital train, a large number of wagons,. and many prisoners. Sheridan hurried forward the remainder of. his command to
infantry westward along the White Oak road to Five Forks, where they fell upon Devin's division and Davies's brigade of cavalry there posted, drove them out in disoder, and followed them nearly to Dinwiddie C. H.; at length interposing between Devin and Sheridan's main line, and compelling Devin to make a long detour by the BoyDevin to make a long detour by the Boydton plank-road to rejoin his chief. The Rebels, mistaking this for a farther retreat, attempted pursuit; thereby presenting their flank and rear to Sheridan, who charged with the brigades of Gregg and Gibbs; compelling the enemy to let go of Devin, and permit him to rejoin his chief without farther trouble. And, though they nroad at Sailor's creek — a petty tributary of the Appomattox — where, Crook and Devin coming promptly to his support, he pierced the Rebel line of march, destroying , surrounded and captured. Without a moment's hesitation, Custer, supported by Devin, pushed on toward Appomattox C. H., finding himself confronting the van of Lee'
h, and took with him the First and Third Cavalry Divisions — Merritt's and Wilson's. General Torbert was assigned to the command of the cavalry forces in the Shenandoah, and his two divisions were reinforced by Duffie's and Averell's Cavalry Divisions of the Army of West Virginia. The cavalry fighting in the Shenandoah was a series of brilliant affairs, interspersed with skirmishes, which cost the corps a serious loss of life. Upon Sheridan's return to Petersburg he brought back with him Devin's and Custer's Divisions, which, added to Crooks' (formerly Gregg's) Division, restored — the organization to its original formation, General Merritt being in command of the three divisions. The corps started on the final campaign of 1865 with 37 regiments of cavalry, numbering 13,820 present for duty, or about 11,000 carbines available for action. During the last ten days of the campaign — from Five Forks to Appomattox — the corps took a prominent and meritorious part in the operations w
ved on to J. Boiseau's, meeting at the forks of the road our cavalry, under General Devin. At this point General Griffin reported to General Sheridan, as I had direl back, the enemy were rapidly followed by General Merritt's two divisions, General Devin on the right and General Custer on the left, General Crook in the rear. Duworks; General Custer guiding his advance on the widow Gilliam's house, and General Devin on the main Five Forks Road. The courage displayed by the cavalry officers s, Bartlett, and Crawford, of the Fifth corps, and to Generals Merritt, Custer, Devin, and McKenzie of the cavalry, great credit is due; and to their subordinate comd, advancing rapidly, gained the forks of the road at J. Boiseau's. This forced Devin, who was in advance, and Davies, to cross to the Boydton Road. General Gregg's ned some ground, but we still hold in. front of Dinwiddie C. H., and Davies and Devin are coming down the Boydton Road to join us. The opposing force was Pickett
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 15: Chancellorsville (search)
wman, Berdan 5thGriffinBarnes, McQuade, Stockton842 MeadeSykesAyres, Burbank, O'Rorke 15,724HumphreysTyler, Allabach 6thBrooksBrown, Bartlett, Russell954 SedgwickHoweGrant, Neill NewtonShaler, Brown, Wheaton 23,667BurnhamBurnham corpsDIVISIONSBRIGADESARTILLERY Batts.Guns 11thDevensVon Gilsa, McLean636 HowardVon SteinwehrBuschbeck, Barlow 12,977SchurzSchimmelpfennig, Krzyzanowski 12th528 SlocumWilliamsKnipe, Ross, Ruger 13,450GearyCandy, Kane, Greene CavalryPleasontonDavis, Devin522 StonemanAverellSargent, McIntosh GreggKilpatrick, Wyndham 11,544Reserve Brig.Buford 1,610Artillery Reserve1258 2,217Provost Guard210 8 Corps, 23 Divisions, 64 Brigades, 133,711 Men, 74 Batteries, 404 Guns The nearest Confederate return is for March 21. It is not entirely complete for the artillery and cavalry, but, estimating for them, Lee's organization and strength at that date was as follows: 1ST corps, Longstreet's, march 31, 1863 DIVISIONSSTRENGTHBRIGADESBATTS.guns
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 16: Gettysburg: the first day (search)
15,710NewtonShaler, Eustis, Wheaton848 11th CorpsBarlowVon Gilsa, Ames HowardSteinwehrCoster, Smith 10,576SchurzSchimmelpfennig, Krzyzanowski526 12th CorpsWilliamsMcDougall, Lockwood, Ruger Slocum 8,597GearyCandy, Cobham, Greene420 2,568TylerArtillery Reserve21110 corps STRENGTHDIVISIONSBRIGADESARTILLERY 2,580Engineers, Provost Guard's Escorts 100,2837 Corps, 19 Divisions, 51 Brigades, Infantry and Artillery58312 Cavalry Corps Pleasonton 14,973Buford Gregg, D. KilpatrickGamble, Devin, Merritt McIntosh, Huey, Gregg, J. Farnsworth, Custer950 115,2568 Corps, 22 Divisions, 59 Brigades67362 The Confederate infantry by this time were about nine-tenths armed with the rifled musket, muzzle loading, mostly of calibre .58, but some of calibre .54. Their artillery was now, also, all organized into battalions, usually of four-gun batteries each. Each corps had five of these battalions. One of these served with each of the three divisions, and the remaining two constituted a