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ple, whatever spirit of emulation or competition was exhibited among us, it never met with favor. In all things their maxims were apparent: We are more numerous, and will rule as it suits ourselves--our interests must be always attended to — we know nothing of the rights, privileges, or customs of those who did most to gain our independence; all we know and remember is--ourselves These are not my ideas alone, but the sentiments of the whole South. Were not Douglas, Buchanan, Pierce, Dickinson, and infamous Butler, supposed friends of the South, fully aware of all these grievances, and did they attempt to ameliorate our condition, or seek to obtain for us common justice, or even an impartial hearing? Ambitious as they were for favor, the North was always courted, as being the most populous, and whatever praise they seemed to bestow upon us was qualified in such a manner as to be construed in any way. Douglas, of whom much has been said, was not a truthful or reliable man, for i
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 11: Chancellorsville. (search)
oops were rolled over and under by this rapid rolling reconnoissance. Quickly there was a blind panic and great confusion. Sickles, who had moved to the front from his place in line to attack Jackson's marching flank, and to whom Howard had sent re-enforcements to make a grand attack with brilliant results, was near the furnace, and came near being severed from his army. The air was filled with noise and smoke; the mighty current of panic-stricken men grew momentarily deeper and wider. Dickinson, one of Hooker's staff, implored Howard to fire on his own men to stop their flight. The surging, seething sea swept away all barriers. Many of the officers attempted to turn back the human tide, but as well might Pharaoh have tried to resist the walls of the Red Sea. Riderless horses and men without arms were everywhere, and guns, caissons, forges, ambulances, battery wagons rolled and tumbled like runaway wagons in a thronged city. Mules tied in couples (a device of Hooker's to carr
appeared in the Richmond Enquirer and Richmond Examiner. auction sales. this day. by Dickinson, Hill & Co., Auctioneers. 10 negroes.--Will be sold by us, this morning at 10 o'clock, 10 likely negroes. may 24 Dickinson, Hill & Co., Aucts. auction sales. by Pulliam & Davis, Auctioneers. 8 negroes.--This day, at 10 o'clock, we will sell 8 likely negroes, Men, Boys, and Girls. may 24. Pulliam & Davis, Aucts. Dickinson, Hill & Company, body-sellers and body-buyers, subject only to the Constitution, carry on their nefarious business in Wall street — I believm, a State Rights platform — where men, women, children, and unweaned babes are daily sold, by Dickinson, Hill & Co., for cash or on time, to the highest bidder. I saw a number of men enter the inundred dollars--gentlemen, he's a first-rate boy-- Come down here, said the mulatto, who is Dickinson's slave, I believe, come down. The boy came down. Please stand out of the way, gentlemen
Lieutenant Dickinson, of New Orleans, now in this city, and who was shot in the thigh with a Minie ball, in the battle on Sunday, says that he was a member of Major Wheat's battalion, and out of 400, which constituted that command, there were not more than 100 that escaped death and wounds. Wheat was shot through the body, and was surviving on Wednesday, although his case is exceedingly critical. Lieutenant Dickinson also says that the Catahoula (La.) Guerillas, Captain Bahoup, fought withedingly critical. Lieutenant Dickinson also says that the Catahoula (La.) Guerillas, Captain Bahoup, fought with desperation, and he thinks his command was nearly all killed and wounded. The captain, although for a long time in the hottest of the fight, escaped unhurt. He also says the Tiger Rifles, of Louisiana, in a perfect shower of bullets, bombs, and balls, threw down their rifles and charged upon the enemy's lines with their knives, and put them to flight.--Richmond Enquirer, July 26.
ccessful, having, among other things, accomplished the destruction of the confederate saltpetre works below Talbott's Ferry. The force consisted of two battalions of the Illinois Third cavalry, under Majors Ruggles and Hubbard; Lieut. Heacock, with a detachment of fifty-five men from company F; Lieut. Perkins, with a detachment of forty-five men from company E, and Capt. Drummond, with a detail of fifty men from the Fourth Iowa cavalry; and the following details from Bowen's battalion: Lieut. Dickinson and Lieut. Curry, of company B, and Lieutenant Crabtree, of company A, with one mountain howitzer. The command moved over the Little North Fork of White River to Bratton's Store, directly east of Forsyth. The country, during the first day's march, was sparsely settled, not a house being seen for thirty-five miles. Several houses were passed on Big Creek, which were formerly occupied by Union men who were driven from home. The command encamped the first night near the homestead of a
tain H. M. Hoyt's report. headquarters Eighth Connecticut volunteers, Falmouth, Va., December 18, 1862. Adjutant-General J D. Williams: General: I have the honor to submit the following report of the movements of the Eighth regiment Connecticut volunteers during the recent operations against the enemy's position near Fredericksburgh. For a few days previous to the engagement the regiment had been stationed upon the bank of the river opposite the centre of the city, in support of Dickinson's battery. On the morning of December eleventh, when the contest commenced, we numbered two hundred and thirty-eight enlisted men and sixteen commissioned officers for duty, under command of Major J. E. Ward. At a point near our camp the work of laying a double pontoon-bridge was commenced before day-light on the eleventh, but when about half completed the engineers were driven away from their work by the fire of the enemy's sharp-shooters, who were concealed in cellars and rifle-pits on
battalion Fourth Michigan on Jefferson pike. Monday, Dec. 29.--The army again advanced — the Seventh Pennsylvania, under Major Wyncoop, on the left flank; the Third Kentucky, Col. Murray, on the right flank ; the Fourth Michigan, under Lieut.-Col. Dickinson, in reserve; Second Indiana on courier duty. Light skirmishing with the enemy all day. Found the enemy in position in front of Murfreesboro at about three o'clock P. M Bivouacked immediately in rear of our line of battle. Tuesday, Decvalry, who came up the same morning with the First Middle Tennessee, and a part of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania, and in accordance with his orders we moved rapidly across the country toward the right flank of Gen. McCook's position, leaving Lieut.-Col. Dickinson with one hundred and twenty men to protect Lieut. Newell's section of artillery at the cross-roads, northwest from Stewart's Creek. The enemy's cavalry fell back rapidly before us for some miles, When close to Overall's Creek our own art
as General McClellan's personal aide-de-camp. He successively served Burnside, Hooker and Meade in the same capacity. His brave and genial disposition made him a universal favorite. The other men are Americans, conspicuous actors as well as students in the struggle. On the ground, to the left, sits Major Ludlow, who commanded the colored brigade which, and under his direction, in the face of a continual bombardment, dug Dutch Gap Canal on the James. The man in the straw hat is Lieut. Colonel Dickinson, Assistant Adjutant General to Hooker, a position in which he served until the Battle of Gettysburg, where he was wounded. Standing is Captain Ulric Dahlgren, serving at the time on Meade's staff. Even the loss of a leg could not quell his indomitable spirit, and he subsequently sacrificed his life in an effort to release the Federal prisoners at Libby and Belle Isle. generalship. It means the art of the general and indicates the time, place, and way to fight battles. The War
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The last days of the Confederate Treasury and what became of its specie. (search)
ve me carte blanche orders upon his Chief Quartermaster, Major Chisman, and his Commissary Department for what I needed, from which departments I made up a full train of wagons and ambulances for my papers, the baggage of the party and the provisions necessary for our large following, for many had attached themselves to the party, and I had brought out from Richmond, Va., the President's guard --disabled soldiers, commanded by three one-armed officers, Captain Coe and Lieutenants Brown and Dickinson. General Beauregard sent as escort a small cavalry division, under command of that gallant Tennesseean, General George G. Dibrell, comprising Williams's brigade, under command of General W. C. P. Breckinridge; Dibrell's brigade, under Colonel W. S. McLemore, and Hewitt's battery, under Lieutenant Roberts, and perhaps a few detached small regiments. Captain Given Campbell (an active, efficient officer) and his company from the Ninth Kentucky cavalry were detailed for special service with t
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, chapter 9 (search)
, and it was also reported to Lee as he was returning from his reconnoissance with Longstreet. Had Sumner's movement, and the advance and easy retreat of the Federal skirmishers, been planned as a ruse to decoy us into a charge, its success would have been brilliant. That part of our plan which had called for a tremendous preliminary cannonade was forgotten. Lee believed that his enemy was retreating and about to escape him, and he hastened to send a verbal order to Magruder through Capt. Dickinson of Magruder's staff, who wrote the order as follows: — Gen. Lee expects you to advance rapidly. He says it is reported the enemy is getting off. Press forward your whole line and follow up Armistead's success. Under Magruder's orders the advance was' commenced by Wright's Ga. and La. brigade, followed by Mahone's Va. brigade, both of Huger's division. These two brigades formed our extreme right, and went into action only about 2500 strong, many stragglers having been lost from