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L. P. Brockett, Women's work in the civil war: a record of heroism, patriotism and patience 87 3 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 19 1 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 18 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 5 3 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 5 1 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 4 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 2 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 2. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 2 0 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The historical basis of Whittier's <persName n="Frietchie,,Barbara,,," id="n0044.0081.00618.13102" reg="default:Frietchie,Barbara,,," authname="frietchie,barbara"><foreName full="yes">Barbara</foreName> <surname full="yes">Frietchie</surname></persName>. (search)
hington and Maryland before my poem was written. I had no reason to doubt its accuracy then, and I am still constrained to believe that it had foundation in fact. If I thought otherwise, I should not hesitate to express it. I have no pride of authorship to interfere with my allegiance to truth. Mr. Whittier, writing March 7th, 1888, informs us further that he also received letters from several other responsible persons wholly or partially confirming the story, among whom was the late Dorothea L. Dix.--Editors. he followed as closely as possible the account sent him at the time. He has a cane made from the timber of Barbara's house,--a present from Dr. Stiener, a member of the Senate of Maryland. The flag with which Barbara Frietchie gave a hearty welcome to Burnside's troops has but thirty-four stars, is small, of silk, and attached to a staff probably a yard in length. Barbara Frietchie was born at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Her maiden name was Hauer. She was born December 3d
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 24: the called session of Congress.--foreign relations.--benevolent organizations.--the opposing armies. (search)
War Department for the organization of military hospitals, and the furnishing of nurses for them. That woman was Miss Dorothea L. Dix, whose name was familiar to the people throughout the land. She offered her services gratuitously to the Governmeand they were accepted. So early as the 23d of April, or only eight days after the President called for troops to Dorothea L. Dix. put down the rebellion, the Secretary of War issued a proclamation, announcing the fact of such acceptance; The following is a copy of the proclamation or order:--Be it known to all whom it may concern, that the free services of Miss D. L. Dix are accepted by the War Department, and that she will give, at all times, all necessary aid in organizing military ho on the 1st of May, the Surgeon-General (R. C. Wood), cheerfully and thankfully recognizing the ability and energy of Miss D. L. Dix in her arrangements for the comfort and welfare of the sick soldiers in the present exigency, requested all women who
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
ation of the movements of the armies of Meade and Lee, which we left occupying opposite banks of the Potomac. See page 75. We will first turn aside for a moment to observe some operations on the Virginia Peninsula, designed to be co-operative with the Army of the Potomac. It had been determined early in the campaign to menace Richmond by a reoccupation of the Peninsula which McClellan evacuated the year before. General Keyes, then in the Department of Virginia, under the command of General Dix, had been selected as the leader of the forces that were to effect it. He concentrated a considerable body of troops at Yorktown, and so soon as it was ascertained that Lee was moving toward the Potomac, Keyes was directed to make a demonstration on Richmond, then held by a few troops under Henry A. Wise. Colonel Spear, with his Eleventh Pennsylvania and detachments of Massachusetts and Illinois cavalry, about one thousand strong, made a sudden dash June 25, 1868. upon White House, Se
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
to fight almost continually on their return. Yet their entire loss did not exceed twenty-five men. At about this time General Foster's command was enlarged, so as to include the Virginia Peninsula and Southeastern Virginia, which constituted General Dix's department. On account of the riots in New York and threatened resistance to the Draft there, See page 89. Dix had been sent to take command in that city, and Foster, leaving General Palmer in charge at New Berne, made his Headquarters aDix had been sent to take command in that city, and Foster, leaving General Palmer in charge at New Berne, made his Headquarters at Fortress Monroe. Let us now consider events farther down the coast, particularly in the vicinity of Charleston. We left General T. W. Sherman in quiet possession of Edisto Island, not far below Charleston, from which the white inhabitants had all fled; and also Admiral Dupont, who had just returned from conquests along the coasts of Georgia and Florida, prepared to co-operate with General Hunter, the new commander of the Department of the South, This included the States of South Caro
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 21: closing events of the War.--assassination of the President. (search)
ate a revolution which, they hoped, would end in establishing a Southern Confederacy, uniting all the slave States, while the North was to be divided into separate cliques, each striving for the destruction of the other. Early in the year 1861, Miss Dix, the philanthropist, came into my office on a Saturday afternoon. I had known her for some years, as one engaged in alleviating the sufferings of the afflicted. Her occupation in Southern hospitals had brought her in contact with the prominent nto their secrets. The plan worked to a charm, and the midnight plottings and the daily consultations of the Conspirators were treasured up as a guide to our future plans for thwarting them. It turned out that all that had been communicated by Miss Dix and the gentleman from Baltimore, rested upon a foundation of fact, and that the half had not been told. It was made as certain by these investigations, .as strong circumstantial, and positive evidence could make it, that there was a plot to bu
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 22: prisoners.-benevolent operations during the War.--readjustment of National affairs.--conclusion. (search)
, with a few earnest men, as we have observed, See page 575, volume I. and formed the Women's Central Association for Relief. Its constitution was drawn up by Dr. Bellows. Auxiliary associations were formed, and after much difficulty an organization was made on a far more extended and efficient plan, which contemplated the co-operation of the association with the Medical Department of the army, under the sanction of the Government, in the care of the sanitary interests of the soldiers. Miss Dix, as we have seen, had already done much in that direction. Dr. Bellows and his associates now endeavored to do much more, and their efforts were rewarded with success. On the 9th of June, 1861, the Secretary of War issued an order, appointing Henry W. Bellows, D. D., Professor A. D. Bache, Ll. D. (Chief of the Coast Survey), Professor Jeffries Wyman, M. D., Henry W. Bellows. W. H. Van Buren, M. D., R. C. Wood, Surgeon-General of the United States Army, G. W. Cullum, of General Scot
dan at, 3.539. Dismal Swamp Canal, expedition under Commodore Rowan to obstruct (note), 2.315. Disunion, early threats of in the South (note), 1.63. Dix, Dorothea L., beneficent labors of, 1.575. Dix, Gen. John A., his telegram in relation to the American flag, 1.185; speech of in New York at the Union Square meeting, Dix, Gen. John A., his telegram in relation to the American flag, 1.185; speech of in New York at the Union Square meeting, 1.355; appointed Secretary of the Treasury, 1.116. Donaldsonville, bombardment of, 2.528. Doubleday, Gen., at the battle of Gettysburg, 3.61. Douglas, Stephen A., nomination of for the Presidency, 1.27; last days of, 1.457. Draft of May 8, 1863, opposition organized against, 3.83; active resistance to, 3.86; suspended i 1.297; and in 1868 and 1864, 3.226. Firing the Southern heart, 1.41. Fisher's Hill, battle of, 3.366. Five Forks, battle of, 3.542. Flag, national, General Dix's telegram in relation to, 1.185; shot away at Fort Sumter, 1.336; torn down in New Orleans after being raised by Farragut, 2.343; but raised again permanently,
r labors the results the awakening of patriotic zeal among American women at the opening of the war the organization of philanthropic effort Hospital nurses Miss Dix's rejection of great numbers of applicants on account of youth hired nurses their services generally prompted by patriotism rather than pay the State Relief aabors which required a mature strength, a firm will, and skill in all household duties. Yet to err is human, and it need not surprise us, as it probably did not Miss Dix, to learn, that in a few instances, those whom she had refused to commission on account of their youthfulness, proved in other fields, their possession of the very highest qualifications for the care of the sick and wounded. Miss Gilson was one of the most remarkable of these instances; and it reflects no discredit on Miss Dix's powers of discrimination, that she should not have discovered, in that girlish face, the indications of those high abilities, of which their possessor was as yet
Part II. Superintendent of nurses. Miss Dorothea L. Dix. Early history Becomes interest to that long since awakened in her own. Dorothea L. Dix. Since 1841 until the breaking out of the late war, Miss Dix devoted herself to the great work which she accepted as the special mission oactions, if she hoped to meet the approval of Miss Dix. Good health and an unexceptionable moral chades the appointment of nurses the position of Miss Dix imposed upon her numerous and onerous duties.s, better describe the personal appearance of Miss Dix, and give an idea of her varied duties and ma we decided after breakfast to pay a visit to Miss Dix. We fortunately found the good lady at homn the hospitals do not work harmoniously with Miss Dix. They are jealous of her power, impatient of k of mercy. It was perhaps unfortunate for Miss Dix that at the time when she received her appoinndation and conducting of Lunatic Asylums. Miss Dix is gifted with a singularly gentle and persua[23 more...]
. Fay commenced his personal services with the Army of the Potomac, Miss Gilson, wishing to accompany him, applied to Miss D. L. Dix, Government Superintendent of Female Nurses, for a diploma, but as she had not reached the required age she was rejecishes, on account of the too great exposure to the sea, and went to New York. While in New York Miss Parsons wrote to Miss Dix, the agent of the Government for the employment of women nurses, offering her services wherever they might be needed, an to St. Louis and was assigned by Mr. James E. Yeatman, (the President of the Western Sanitary Commission, and agent for Miss Dix), to the Lawson Hospital. In a few weeks, however, she was needed for a still more important service, and was placed as back, foot by foot, in stern but unavailing resistance to Lee's strong and triumphant force. These she was denied, but Miss Dix requested her to take charge temporarily of the Camden Street Hospital, at Baltimore, the matron of which had been stric