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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 19. the siege of Suffolk, Virginia. (search)
ts in the vicinity of Sandy Cross. Twenty-first.--The command was highly honored by a visit from Major-General Halleck, Commander-in-Chief, accompanied by Major-General Dix. Twenty-second.--A heavy rain storm commenced, suspending all fatigue labors; but adding materially to the strength of the swamp on the left flank. Twerebel work for several guns was discovered on the river. Twenty-ninth.--The Honorable Secretary of State, William H. Seward, paid a visit, in company with Major-General Dix, to this command. Thirtieth.--The enemy opened early this morning with one Whitworth, one thirty and thirty-five-pounder Parrott. Towards night they openhere all have done so well. For the conclusion is reserved the agreeable duty of testifying to the cordial and efficient support I have ever received from Major-General Dix. No request or suggestion has ever escaped his attention, and most of my requirements have been anticipated by his liberal and comprehensive policy. Very
e publishers and proprietors, and the suppression of the papers, General Dix detailed a force of the Reserve Guard for the purpose. At a f our association. We took pains, in the afternoon, to apprise General Dix of the facts of the case, and gave him such information in regarsession of the facts in the case. Nevertheless, this evening, General Dix, acting under peremptory orders from the Government, placed our to convey us thither. Chancing to meet one of the officers of General Dix's staff, charged with the execution of this order, we proceeded eadquarters of the Department of the East, and were informed, by General Dix, that the order for our arrest had been suspended, but that the vious. Mallison was immediately taken before Colonel Ludlow, at General Dix's headquarters, by whom he was subjected to a searching examinat announcement with comparative calmness, and was at once taken to General Dix's headquarters in this city, where he made a full confession.
inty. On the evening of the second of May I returned to Hilton Head, and there, for the first time, received the New York papers of April twenty-eighth, containing Secretary Stanton's despatch of nine A. M. of the twenty-seventh of April to General Dix, including General Halleck's, from Richmond, of nine P. M. of the night before, which seems to have been rushed with extreme haste before an excited public, namely, morning of the twenty-eighth. You will observe from the dates that these desprd of me and of my lawful authority. It now becomes my duty to paint, in justly severe characters, the still more offensive and dangerous matter of General Halleck's despatch of April twenty-sixth to the Secretary of War, embodied in his to General Dix of April twenty-seventh. General Halleck had been Chief of Staff of the army at Washington, in which capacity he must have received my official letter of April eighteenth, wherein I wrote clearly that if Johnston's army about Greensboroa we