Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 3, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Dix or search for Dix in all documents.

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Yankee soldiery: Spicy Interview between Gen. Dix and a lady of Baltimore. A Mrs. W., of Bay. Reaching the Bastille, she sent for General Dix, who, always disconcerted when visited by lm arrested, I suppose, on your authority. General Dix.--Madam, you look wearied; walk into my offem to enlist in that service? Mrs. W.--General Dix, are you a married man? Gen, Dix.--I aDix.--I am, Madam. Mrs. W.--Then ask your wife what she would have done under similar circumstances. woman! It will never be extinguished!" Gen. Dix.--Madam you look faint and weary, let me orde was not taken. Mrs. W., then turning to Gen. Dix, said: --"Sir, I hope you are satisfied And now, sir, I imagine you have done." Gen. Dix.--I regret, Madam, that we should have met unherefore useless. Mrs. W.--I like forms, Gen. Dix, particularly when connected with official do brought to the point. Mrs. W.--And now, Gen. Dix, do you know what I intend doing with this di[6 more...]