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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for De Dixies or search for De Dixies in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource], An African letter — opinions of a colored candidate. (search)
says de cullud poplation ought to rule but de Dixles won't gib em up; so de Yankees is to whip de Dixies and gib de gubberment to de cullud poplation for de next hundred years, and don de white folkslian century" I spose dat means Satteday night all de time. Dis is when Mars Linkum has drove de Dixies out ob de country, and made em beg dar lorful, masters dat he gwide to put over dem. But Honeum guino do me? Spose dey ketch me alive and put me up at auction and stribute de money monges de Dixies dey bin fighting fur lebbun dollars month? Spose dey catch reginfent ob alggors day all git rDey want to bind de cullud soldier for sebben year.--Will it take dem sebben more year to whip de Dixies? No dey gwine do dat soon as dey gate dar possumcoon bridge fix. What dey want wid him for saas all de work dat was obber dons in dis country was done by passons of African descent, which de Dixies has eat up and wore out and run through dar pant, but de Yankees has got dar share ob de steal