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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Battle of Bull Run . (search)
Battle of Bull Run.
1.-official reports.
Gen. McDowell's General orders before the battle of Stone Bridge.
this battle is variously known as the battle of Bull Run, Manassas, and Stone Bridge.
Headquarters, Department Army Eastern Va., Centreville, July 20, 1861.
The enemy has planted a battery on the Warrenton turnpike to defend the passage of Bull Run; has seized the stone bridge and made a heavy abatis on the right bank, to oppose our advance in that direction.
The ford above the bridge is also guarded, whether with artillery or not is not positively known, but every indication favors the belief that he proposes to defend the passage of the stream.
It is intended to turn the position, force the enemy from the road, that it may be reopened, and, if possible, destroy the railroad leading from Manassas to the valley of Virginia, where the enemy has a large force.
As this may be resisted by all the force of the enemy, the troops will be disposed as follows:
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 2 (search)
2.-secession reports.
Report of Brigadier-General Arnold Elzey.
Headquarters 4TH brigade, camp at Fairfax Station, July 25, 181.
sir: In compliance with your instructions, I have the honor to make the following report of the services of my brigade during the day of the 21st.
of July, 1861:
The brigade left Piedmont
Piedmont is a station on the Manassas Gap Railroad below Front Royal.
The delay alluded to is said to have been occasioned by a collision of some empty cars. at daylight on the 21st inst., and after much delay and detention on the railroad, arrived at Manassas Junction about 12 M., when it received orders to detach a regiment to remain at the Junction to guard a weak point, and then to proceed to Lewis House, near the battle-field, and hold itself in waiting.
Col. A. P. Hill's regiment, being the smallest--four companies not having come up from Piedmont — was designated for the service.
Brigadier-General Smith accompanied the brigade to the batt
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 3 (search)
3.--Wm. H. Russell's letters — on the battle of Bull Run.
Washington, July 19, 1861.
The army of the North is fairly moving at last, and all the contending voices of lawyers and disputants will speedily be silenced by the noise of the cannon.
Let no one suppose that the war will be decided in one or two battles, or conclude from any present successes of the Federalists that they will not meet with stern opposition as they advance.
The Confederates uniformly declared to me after their failure to take either Faneuil Hall or the Capitol, they would wait in Virginia and entice the Federalists into certain mysterious traps, where they would be destroyed to a man.
There is great reliance placed on masked batteries in this war, and the country is favorable to their employment; but nothing can prove more completely the unsteady character of the troops than the reliance which is placed on the effects of such works, and, indeed, there is reason to think that there have been
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc . 4 .-N. Y. Tribune narrative. (search)
Doc. 4.-N. Y. Tribune narrative.
A correspondent of the New York Tribune writing from Washington, under date of July 23, gives the following account of the battle:
My narrative of this extraordinary battle can accurately embrace most of what occurred with the division under Gen. Tyler, which opened the attack, which was, with the exception of one brigade, desperately engaged from the beginning to the end, and which, so far as I can judge from the course in which events ran, was the last to yield before the panic which spread through the army.
It is well understood that the conflict extended over a space of many miles, and that the experience of a single observer could grasp only those details which immediately surrounded him. The general progress and effects of the entire engagement were apparent from the advanced positions of Gen. Tyler's action, and of these it will be possible for me to speak safely; but the particular movement of the divisions under Col. Hunter and Col. H
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 5 (search)
5.-New York world narrative.
Washington, Monday, July 22.
At two o'clock this morning I arrived in Washington, having witnessed the great conflict near Manassas Junction from beginning to end, and the gigantic rout and panic which broke up the Federal army at its close.
I stayed near the action an hour or two later than my associates, in order to gather the final incidents of the day, and fully satisfy myself as to the nature and extent of the misfortune.
And now in what order shall the event of yesterday be described?
Even now how shall one pretend to give a synthetic narration of the whole battle, based on the heterogeneous statements of a thousand men; a battle whose arena was a tract miles in breadth and length, interspersed with hills and forests; whose contending forces were divided into a dozen minor armies, continually interchanging their positions, and never all embraced within the cognizance of any spectator or participator.
Even the general commanding
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 6 (search)
6.-New York Seventy-First regiment, at Bull Run.
The regiment left the Navy Yard Tuesday, July 16, at 10 o'clock, and marched up the avenue over the Long Bridge, to their camping grounds, within five miles of Fairfax, where, at 9 P. M., they stacked and bivouacked for the night in the open field, together with Colonel Burnside's brigade, consisting of the First and Second Rhode Island Infantry, Second Rhode Island Battery, and Second New Hampshire Volunteers.
At 5 A. M., July 17, (Wednesday,) the brigade formed a line of march, and proceeded to Fairfax Court House, where they arrived at 10 A. M., and found the breastworks of the enemy deserted, as well as the town, of all secession troops.
Halted in the town before the Court House; the flag was hoisted upon the Court House by the Rhode Island regiments, the band saluting it with the national airs.
The march was then resumed; the whole brigade proceeded half a mile beyond Fairfax, and bivouacked on the old camp-grou
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 7 (search)
Doc.7.-secession letters and narratives.
Doctor J. C. Nott's account.
Richmond, July 23, 1861.
Dear Harleston: I have seen the great and glorious battle of Manassas, which brought a nation into existence, and the scene was grand and impressive beyond the power of language.
We foresaw the action several days ahead — the enemy were known to be advancing in immense masses from Arlington towards Fairfax, and the master stroke was at once made, to order Johnston down from Winchester, by forced marches, before Patterson could get down on the other side.
Johnston's troops marched all twenty-six miles, then crowded into the railroad, came down in successive trains, without sleeping or eating, (15,000,) and arrived, many of them, while the battle was raging.
I got to Manassas the morning of the day previous to the fight; and knowing well both Generals Beauregard and Johnston, and their staff officers, I went immediately to headquarters.
Zac. Deas, among the rest, was there in
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 8 (search)
8.-Northern press on the battle.
Let no man to-day whisper the thought of abating a jot of our vast undertaking.
Taught by one reverse, the nation will rise above its misfortune and press on in its just and holy cause.
The people who have poured out their blood and treasure so freely will be kindled to new efforts.
Even the army which is now recruiting its strength and renewing its courage on the banks of the Potomac, will burn for a chance to strike one more blow for the honor lost at Manassas.
The colors have only been shot away from their staff; to-day they shall be nailed to the mast, from which they shall float forever; and the day shall soon come when they shall be borne in triumph by a victorious host from the Potomac to the James, and thence on to the gulf.
Our present misfortune will disclose to all the true secret of our weakness, and will teach all that the advance for which some have so long clamored is not to be accomplished at a single effort.
With a ful
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 9 (search)
9. Southern press on the battle.
Our telegraphic despatches this morning tell a glorious tale for the South.
It is not the bulletins of our friends alone which announce a grand victory for the armies of the South.
It is confessed in all its greatness and completeness by the wailings which come to us from the city of Washington, the Headquarters of our enemies.
It is told in the groans of the panic-stricken Unionists of tyranny, who are quaking behind their entrenchments with apprehension for the approach of the avenging soldiery of the South, driving before it the routed remnants of that magnificent army which they had prepared and sent forth with the boastful promise of an easy victory.
From Richmond, on the contrary, come the glad signs of exceeding joy over a triumph of our arms, so great and overwhelming as though the God of Battles had fought visibly on our side, and smitten and scattered our enemies with a thunderbolt.
Such a rout of such an army — so large, so
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 10 (search)
10.-English press on the battle.
The Northern army at Bull Run.
The people of the Northern States of America are behaving after their defeat in a manner which is somewhat unaccountable.
They do not seem at all inclined to lessen its importance.
They do not affect to conceal that they have been totally and disgracefully defeated, that their opinions of their own merits and of their enemies' deficiencies were unfounded, and that, instead of a short and brilliant campaign, they must either prepare for a desperate war, or give up their scheme of subjugating the South.
And yet this national calamity and this grievous shame do not seem to affect them as they would affect an European community.
They even take a pleasure in the sensation caused by their unparalleled defeat.
Excitement is to all classes a necessary daily dram, and, if they have it, it matters not whether it is bought by success or misfortune.
Then the people have so little realized the meaning of war, and the