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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 1 (search)
1.-the fight at Pensacola.
January 1, 1862.
A correspondent gives the following description of the fight at Pensacola:
On the morning of the 1st inst. a small rebel steamer was observed from Fort Pickens making her way towards the navy-yard.
She behaved in a very defiant manner, some on board waving a rebel flag, which seemed to say, You dare not fire at me.
This was not to be borne with patience, as Colonel Brown had frequently warned General Bragg that the presence of these steamers would not be put up with.
As she approached, Fort Pickens opened upon her, when she retreated at double-quick time.
The fire from Fort Pickens was immediately answered from all the rebel batteries and the engagement became general.
The firing was kept up throughout the day, and at night Pickens maintained a slow fire from the thirteen-inch mortars, which was hotly returned by the rebels.
About eleven P. M. a fire broke out in the navy-yard, which continued throughout the night, and
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc . 2 .-fight at Port Royal, S. C. January 1 , 1862 . (search)
Doc. 2.-fight at Port Royal, S. C. January 1, 1862.
Report of Flag officer S. P. Dupont.
Flag ship Wabash, Port Royal harbor, January 4, 1862.
sir: I have the honor to inform the department, that the attention of General Sherman and myself has been drawn for some time past to the design of the enemy to shut up our troops in Port Royal Island, by placing obstructions in Coosaw River and Whale branch, by constructing batteries at Port Royal Ferry, at Seabrook, and at or near Boyd's Creek, and by accumulating men in this vicinity in such manner as to be able to throw a force of twenty-five hundred or three thousand troops upon any of these points at a short notice.
In a confidential communication of the 28th ultimo, the General informed me that the time had arrived for arresting peremptorily the designs of the enemy, and for doing it in such a manner as would serve a subsequent purpose, and he requested me to furnish my quota of the force to be employed in the combined oper
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 3 (search)
3.-the slaves in Maryland.
General stone's order.
the following is the order issued by Gen. Stone, in reference to the conduct of his soldiers toward the slaves of Maryland and their owners:
Headquarters, camp of observation, Poolesville, January 2, 1862.
General order no. 1:
General Orders No. 16, of September, 1861, from these headquarters, cautioned the troops of this command against violating the laws of the United States, and of the State in which we are serving, by advising and encouraging insubordination and rebellion among the negro servants in their neighborhood.
This caution, well observed by most of the troops, has been disregarded by a few who, while entrusted with national arms and made thus guardians of the national honor, disgrace themselves and their Government by acting the part of oppressors and incendiaries, among the very citizens they were sent here to protect from lawless violence.
The General commanding recommends to those who feel th
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 4 (search)
4.-affairs at Huntersville, Va.
The correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial gives the following account of the dispersion of the rebels, and the destroying of their stores at Huntersville, Western Virginia, by a detachment of Federal troops, from General Milroy's command:
headquarters Twenty-Fifth Ohio regiment, Huttonsville, Va., Jan. 7, 1862.
The Huntersville expedition, of which I telegraphed you yesterday, was so successful in its result, and so damaging to the rebel he service.
He is a true gentleman, possessing those qualities which fit him for command, and also those which draw the affections of his men to him, and make them feel that he is their friend, and for such a man they will fight to the death.
5.-the fight at Hancock, Va.
A correspondent gives the following account of this affair:
Hancock, Jan. 10.
So many reliable reports, which have had not the shadow of foundation, have been sent-your paper, that, for the sake of truth
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 5 (search)
6.-Geo. B. Crittenden's proclamation.
The Proclamation was taken from the fortified entrenchments near Mill Springs:
division headquarters, Mill Springs, Ky., January 6th, 1862. To the People of Kentucky:
When the present war between the Confederate States and the United States commenced, the State of Kentucky determined to remain neutral.
She regarded this as her highest interest, and balancing between hope for the restoration of the Union and love for her Southern sisters, she declared and attempted to maintain a firm neutrality.
The conduct of the United States Government toward her has been marked with duplicity, falsehood, and wrong.
From the very beginning, the President of the United States, in his messages, spoke of the chosen attitude of Kentucky with open denunciation, and on the one hand treated it with contempt and derision, while, on the other hand, he privately promised the people of Kentucky that it should be respected.
In violat
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 6 (search)
7.-message of Governor Letcher.
Executive Department, Jan. 6, 1862. Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates:
I received from his Excellency Joseph E. Brown, Governor of the State of Georgia, a communication enclosing joint resolutions adopted by the Legislature of that State, and approved December 11, 1861.
These resolutions relate to matters of the first importance, and they command my cordial approbation.
They declare the sentiment of the Southern Confederacy, and will be enthusiastically responded to by the people of all classes.
In communicating these resolutions to the General Assembly, I embrace the opportunity to fill up a hiatus in the history of the State, growing out of her changed relations.
Virginia dissolved her connection with the Government of the United States on the 17th day of April last, having watched closely the political conduct of President Lincoln and his Cabinet from the 4th day of March preceding.
A large portion of our people be
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 7 (search)
8.-the battle of Blue's Gap, Va.
The Wheeling Press published the following letter from Romney, giving the details of the expedition by a portion of General Kelley's troops against the rebels at Blue's Gap:
Romney, Va., January 8, 1862.
Night before last we were informed that we would move on Blue's Gap during the night Our information of the country and of the force of the enemy was meagre and uncertain.
A about midnight the regiments began to muster and form, and by half-past 12 the column was in motion.
The night was excessively cold, and we suffered not a little from that cause.
About half-past 7 o'clock we arrived at a height from which we could see the Gap and the bridge.
Colonel Dunning, who commanded the expedition, seeing an attempt being made to burn the bridge, ordered the Fifth Ohio regiment to advance at double quick.
This was done with a shout, and in a few minutes they were on a bank within two hundred yards of the bridge, pouring in bullets a
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 8 (search)
9.-battle of Jennie Creek, Ky: fought January 7, 1862.
The following is a detailed account of the battle between Colonel Garfield and General Marshall, in which the latter was defeated and routed:
camp Buell, near Paintsville, Johnson Co., Ky., January 20.
On the morning of the 7th of January the command, composed of the Forty-second Ohio and the Fourteenth Kentucky, and Major McLaughlin's squadron of Ohio cavalry, making an effective force of about fifteen hundred men, broke up their camp on the Muddy Creek, and moved into Paintsville, the county-seat of Johnson County, Kentucky.
While on the march we were reenforced by a battalion of the First Virginia cavalry, under Colonel Bolles, and by three hundred of the Twenty-second Kentucky, raising our force to about twenty-two hundred men. The enemy, under Humphrey Marshall, numbering five thousand men, and having a battery of four pieces, learning of our approach, and also of that of the Fortieth Ohio and of four hu
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 9 (search)
10.-the battle of Silver Creek, Mo: fought January 8, 1862.
Official report by Major Torrence.
camp, near Fayette, Mo., January 10, 1862.
General: I have the honor to report that, in compliance with your order, I marched my command to Booneville, and was there joined by three companies of Merrill's horse under Major Hunt, and at the earliest day possible crossed the Missouri River, and reached camp, near Fayette, on the evening of the fifth inst., when I was there joined by four companies of the First Missouri, under command of Major Hubbard, and one company of the Fourth Ohio, Captain Foster.
We proceeded at once to gather information of the enemy's movements by sending scouts through different portions of this and adjoining counties.
On the seventh inst., reconnoissances in force were made to Glasgow, Roanoke, and surrounding country, and information received that one Col. Poindexter, was recruiting in this and other counties, and that he had his principal cam
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 10 (search)
11.-battle of Middle Creek, Ky.
Col. Garfield's despatch.
headquarters Eighteenth brigade, Prestonburg, Ky., January 11.
Capt, J. B. Fry, A. A. G.: I left Paintsville on Thursday noon, with one thousand one hundred men, and drove in the enemy's pickets, two miles below Prestonburg.
The men slept on their arms.
At four o'clock, yesterday morning, we moved toward the main body of the enemy at the Forks of Middle Creek, under command of Marshall.
Skirmishing with his outposts began at eight o'clock, and at one o'clock P. M. we engaged his force of two thousand five hundred men, and three cannon posted on the hill.
Fought them until dark.
Having been reenforced by seven hundred men from Paintsville, drove the enemy from all their positions.
He carried off the majority of his dead, and all his wounded.
This morning, we found twenty-seven of his dead on the field.
His killed cannot be less than sixty.
We have taken twenty-five prisoners, ten horses, and a quantit