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e examinations, which were accordingly proceeded with, as follows: D. S. Doggett, D. D., Presiding Elder of the Richmond District.--Within his district extensiv duty of Presiding Elders to lead class meetings in their Districts?. Rev. Dr. Doggett did not think it was. He thought that the duties of the different classes and that it would be well for all preachers to follow their example. Rev. Dr. Doggett said that he had held class many times as pastor, but never as Presiding E Rev. Mr. Bennett bore testimony of the zeal, ability, and efficiency of Dr. Doggett as Presiding Elder of his District. He believed he had injured his health bv. James A. Duncan also remarked upon the exceeding acceptability with which Dr. Doggett had discharged the duties of his office Dr. Doggett's character was passed. Dr. Doggett's character was passed. As the name of each of the following preachers was called, testimony was borne of their usefulness, as follows: Rev. W. H. Wheelwright--during the past ye