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George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 5 (search)
ng due south, with Iverson's brigade on the right, O'Neill's in the centre, and Doles's on the left, with Daniels and Ramseur in reserve. He continued along with th the First Corps. The movements of Schimmelfennig had caused Rodes to extend Doles's brigade further to the left, in order to protect that flank, and also to conns. Have ordered General Sickles to push forward. O. O. Howard, M. G. As Doles was attacking Schimmelfennig in front, Gordon's brigade advanced across Rock Creek, and, in joining Doles, attacked Barlow's right. Von Gilsa's brigade, being hard pressed, after a brief resistance fell back in great disorder, the men pouring nd his division fell back, leaving him a prisoner in the hands of the enemy. Doles was equally successful with Schimmelfennig. The whole line of the Eleventh Coroad, took the Federals in flank, and they, being pressed in front by Gordon and Doles, made but a brief stand, and continued to retreat pell-mell to the town. Dil