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far from 115,000. Of the votes already counted (105,868,) Lincoln has 35,036; Douglas, 38,836; Breckinridge, 29,424; Bell, 6,942. Lincoln's majority over Douglas, Douglas, 1,150. These returns are all received by telegraph from more than one hundred different dispatches, and mistakes have probably occurred. The official count will be required to determine the result. The contest is between Lincoln and Douglas, with the chances in favor of the former. As near as can be ascertained, the Legislature stands as follows: Senate — Douglas (Democrat,) 9, Breckinridge (Democrat,) 5; Republicans 4 House --Douglas (Democrat,) 40; Breckinridge (Democrat,) 21Douglas (Democrat,) 40; Breckinridge (Democrat,) 21; Republicans 19. Of the 17 Senators who hold over, 11 are understood to be Douglas, 4 Breckinridge, and 2 Republicans. There are already numbers of Douglas DeDouglas, 4 Breckinridge, and 2 Republicans. There are already numbers of Douglas Democrats aspiring for Mr. Gwin's place in the United States Senate--among them, Governor Downey, General Denver, James A. McDougall and others. The contributions
tes at home. --It has been asserted by the Black Republican journals that old Abe carried his own ward, city and county. Here is the official vote of Singamon county, Ill. in which the city of Springfield, where Lincoln resides, is located: Douglas, 3,598; Lincoln, 3,556; Bell, 145; Breckinridge, 77. Douglas over Lincoln, 42; combined opposition vote over Lincoln, 287. The only town in the county of Essex, N. Y. which gave a majority against the Republicans was North Elba, the residence asserted by the Black Republican journals that old Abe carried his own ward, city and county. Here is the official vote of Singamon county, Ill. in which the city of Springfield, where Lincoln resides, is located: Douglas, 3,598; Lincoln, 3,556; Bell, 145; Breckinridge, 77. Douglas over Lincoln, 42; combined opposition vote over Lincoln, 287. The only town in the county of Essex, N. Y. which gave a majority against the Republicans was North Elba, the residence of the family of John Brown.
tensive voting. --In looking over returns of the election in Iowa, we notice that three counties gave twelve votes each. Sioux county recorded nine votes for Douglas, two for Lincoln and one for Bell. Cherokee county gave Lincoln nine and Douglas three.--Buena Vista gave Douglas six and Lincoln six in eight counties the whole looking over returns of the election in Iowa, we notice that three counties gave twelve votes each. Sioux county recorded nine votes for Douglas, two for Lincoln and one for Bell. Cherokee county gave Lincoln nine and Douglas three.--Buena Vista gave Douglas six and Lincoln six in eight counties the whole vote amounted to 263. looking over returns of the election in Iowa, we notice that three counties gave twelve votes each. Sioux county recorded nine votes for Douglas, two for Lincoln and one for Bell. Cherokee county gave Lincoln nine and Douglas three.--Buena Vista gave Douglas six and Lincoln six in eight counties the whole vote amounted to 263.