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s ever seen in Boston. The men kept close rank; not a man left his place; not a straggler was seen. The embarkation was orderly and complete. Two sons of Frederick Douglass, the colored orator, were in the ranks; the father himself was present to witness the departure of his sons. About eight o'clock in the evening, the transport left the wharf. The Adjutant-General, Mr. Douglass, and a few other friends of the regiment, were on board. The evening was beautiful; the moon was at its full. A small Government steamer accompanied the transport a mile outside of Boston Light. On the passage down the bay, the men were addressed by Mr. Douglass, the AdjuMr. Douglass, the Adjutant-General, and some of the officers. Those who were not to go with the regiment returned to the city on the Government boat. It was a splendid sight to see the large vessel, with its precious freight, vanish in the distance, as it proceeded on its way to South Carolina. The regiment reached Hilton Head June 3. On the eighte
ith great satisfaction, and was frequently applauded. Senator Wilson came into the House of Representatives, and was loudly cheered. Very little business was done in either branch. On the same afternoon a very large and enthusiastic meeting was held in Faneuil Hall, which was presided over by Mr. Lincoln, the Mayor of Boston, and addresses made by Colonel Guiney, formerly of the Ninth Regiment, Senator Wilson, Robert C. Winthrop, Judge Russell, Captain McCartney of the First Battery, Fred. Douglass, the colored orator, and Rev. Dr. Kirk. A letter was read from the Governor, excusing himself from being present, which closed as follows:— Thus far the people of Massachusetts have stood in the van. They have maintained themselves in that manly adherence to their doctrines, traditions, and ideas, which was becoming their attitude and their profession. May the blessings of patient and hopeful courage abide with them unto the end, and illuminate every passage of difficulty or of d