stitution of U. S., Slavery and, 13, 15, 16, 140ff., 168ff., 172, 173; publicly burned by G., 174.
Constitutional Convention (1787), 9, 13.
Cooper Union, Emerson's speech at, 234 ff.
Copley, Josiah, quoted, 57.
Cottage Bible, the, 76.
Crandall, Prudence, case of, 70 if., indicted and convicted, 72, 73; 80, 106.
Crandall, Reuben, Io6.
Cromwell, Oliver, 165.
Daizwin, Charles, quoted, 252.
disunion, effect of threat of, 257, 258.
Douglas, Stephen A., 140, 241.
Douglass, Frederick, in Boston, 19, 20 and n., 21; at Rynders Mob meeting, 215, 216, 217; 108, 210.
Dresser, Amos, flogging of, 75f.
Emancipation, Immediate, G. the apostle of, 47; genesis of, 47, 48; 238. Emancipator, the, quoted, 148-150.
Emerson, Edward W., quotes, 231.
Emerson, R. W., on the relations of North and South, 18; his Phi Beta Kappa address (1835) and G.'s at Park St. Church (1829), compared, 43-45; difference between G. and, 45, 46, 219ff.; his journal quoted, 223, 224, 225, 2