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Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 15: Random Shots. (search)
he return of Collins in the summer of 1841, revival meetings and conventions started up with increased activity, the fruits of which were of a most cheering character. At Nantucket, Garrison made a big catch in his anti-slavery net. It was Frederick Douglass, young, callow, and awkward, but with his splendid and inimitable gifts flashing through all as he, for the first time in his life, addressed an audience of white people. Garrison, with the instinct of leadership, saw at once the value of the runaway slave's oratorical possibilities in their relations to the anti-slavery movement. It was at his instance that Collins added Douglass to the band of anti-slavery agents. The new agent has preserved his recollections of the pioneer's speech on that eventful evening in Nantucket. Says he: Mr. Garrison followed me, taking me as his text; and now, whether I had made an eloquent plea in behalf of freedom or not, his was one never to be forgotten. Those who had heard him oftenest, and h
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 18: the turning of a long lane. (search)
keepers. Through the whole, nothing could be more patient and serene than the bearing of Mr. Garrison. I have always revered Mr. Garrison for his devoted, uncompromising fidelity to his great cause. To-day I was touched to the heart by his calm and gentle manners. There was no agitation, no scorn, no heat, but the quietness of a man engaged in simple duties. The madman and his keepers were quite vanquished on the first day of the convention by the wit, repartee, and eloquence of Frederick Douglass, Dr. Furness, and Rev. Samuel R. Ward, whom Wendell Phillips described as so black that when he shut his eyes you could not see him. But it was otherwise on the second day when public opinion was regulated, and free discussion overthrown by Captain Rynders and his villainous gang, who were resolved, with the authors of the compromise, that the Union as it was should be preserved. But, notwithstanding the high authority and achievements of this noble band of patriots and brothers, G
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 19: face to face. (search)
they in their forebodings of defeat that they set about in dead earnest to put their side of the divided house in order for the impending struggle for Southern independence. Military preparations went forward with a vengeance, arms and munitions of war which were the property of the General Government began to move southward, to Southern military depots and posts for the defence of the United States South, when at last the word disunion should be pronounced over the Republic. The Lincoln-Douglass debate augmented everywhere the excitement, fed the already mighty numbers of the new party. More and more the public consciousness and conviction were squaring with Mr. Lincoln's oracular words in respect that the Union could not endure permanently half slave and half free. The darkness and tumult of the rising tempest were advancing apace, when suddenly there burst from the national firmanent the first warning peal of thunder, and over Virginia there sped the first bolt of the storm.
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Index. (search)
. Colver, Nathaniel, 303. Commercial Advertiser, New York, 170. Courier, Boston, 128, 129, 217. Courier and Enquirer, New York, 171. Corwin, Thomas, 372. Cox, Abraham L., 185, 203, 209. Crandall, Prudence, 165-168, 199. Cresson, Elliott, 150, 151, 153. Cropper, James, 154, 205. Curtin, Andrew G., 372. Curtis, Benjamin R., 354. Cuyler, Rev. Theodore L., 384. Davis, Jefferson, 338, 376. Disunion Convention at Worcester, 361-363. Dole, Ebenezer, 86. Douglas, Stephen A., 353, 365. Douglass, Frederick, 300, 344. Dred Scott Case, 364. Duncan, Rev. James, 008-109. Emancipator, The, 283, 285, 286, 328. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 281. Evening Post, New York, 208. Everett, Edward, 30, 31, 243, 244. Farnham, Martha, 16. Fessenden, Samuel, 141, 148. Follen, Prof. Charles, 201, 203, 247. Forten, James, 144. Foster, Stephen S., 310, 375. Foster, William E., 390. Fremont, John C., 361. Free Press, 27, 34. Fugitive Slave Law, effect of, 345-347. Fugitive Slaves, The Crafts, Shadra