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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Captain John Holmes Smith's account. (search)
wing a cut where a bullet had a full mark about its depth in the flesh. Quite a number of the men on the hill top had been struck one way or another, and there were many nursing and tying up their wounds. Kent's leg had been fractured—the small bone—and he was captured. Before an advance I went several times to the crest where our artillery was planted, and could see the enemy in our front throwing up dirt on the line which we afterwards took. Just before the cannonade commenced Major James Downing rode along the line of guns in our immediate front, carrying a flag. Personal. I came away from Longstreet's headquarters after spending the night (after the battle in Captain Blackford's tent) in a wagon with a long train of wagons that carried one to Williamsport, leaving about noon and traveling through the next night. Next morning we reached Williamsport. The town was attacked at several points, but not where I was. Captain William Early—or Lieutenant Early, as he was t<