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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 39 (search)
oned. Gen. Lee has been a little ill from fatigue, exposure, and change of water; but was better yesterday, and is confident. Messrs. Cardoza and Martin, who sell a peck of meal per day to each applicant for $12, or $48 per bushel, flour at $1.60 per pound, and beans $3 per quart, are daily beset with a great crowd, white and black. I do not think they sell for the government, but they probably have facilities from it. The prices are only about half charged in the shops. But Messrs. Dunlop and Moucine are selling meal (on their own account, I believe) at $25 per bushel, or 50 cts. per pound, allowing each white member of the family about five ounces per day; and selling them twice per month, or nine pounds per month to each. The rule is to sell to only the indigent, refugees, etc. My friend James G. Brooks, Clay Street, informed me this morning that he got half a bushel there. He is rich! May 31 Clear, with hot sun. Last evening there was some fighting on Lee's
ief, for the preservation of the people from robbers and murderers, will be reckoned as genius and patriotism by all sensible men in the world now, and by every historian that will judge the deed hereafter. The Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment from the county of Montgomery, arrived at Washington from Annapolis. It is commanded by the following officers: Colonel, John F. Hartranft; Lieut. Col., Edward Schall; Major, Edwin Schall; Adjutant, Chas. Hunsicker; Quartermaster, Yerkes; Surgeon, Dunlop; Assistant-Surgeons, Christ and Rogers; Captains, Bolton, Schall, Chamberlain, Dunn, Snyder, Allabaugh, Amey, Brooke, Cooke, and Taylor. The regiment numbers about 900, and comprises a fine body of hardy yeomanry and artisans, who left their fields and shops to rally in defence of the National Capital.--National Intelligencer, May 9. The steam frigate Minnesota, the flag-ship of the blockading squadron, sailed from Boston, Mass.--Boston Transcript, May 8. A meeting in aid of the
he enemy's cavalry, estimated at twelve thousand men, in which he so seriously crippled the enemy that they were unable to follow him, when, at the close of the day, he returned to the north side of the Rappahannock. General Pleasanton's men behaved in the most gallant manner, handsomely driving back superior forces of the enemy. Over two hundred prisoners and one battle-flag were captured.--(Docs. 10 and 62.) The Military Districts of the Frontier, and of the Border, were created by order of Major-General Schofield; the former under the command of General J. G. Blunt, headquarters at Fort Scott, Indian Territory; and the latter under Brigadier-General Thomas Ewing, Jr., headquarters at Kansas City.--Colonel Lawrence Williams Orton, formerly Lawrence Williams, of the Second United States cavalry, one time on General Scott's staff, and late General Bragg's Chief of Artillery, and Lieutenant Dunlop, of the rebel army, were arrested and hung as spies at Franklin, Tenn.--(Doc. 61.)
e, was not repaired until about the twelfth of August. It was deemed best, therefore, to delay the movement of the troops until that road was completely available for transporting stores to Tracy City. The movement over the Cumberland Mountains began on the morning of the sixteenth of August, as follows: General Crittenden's corps in three columns, General Wood from Hillsboro by Pelham to Thurman, in Sequatchie Valley. General Palmer from Manchester by the most practicable route to Dunlop. General Van Cleve with two brigades from McMinnville, the third being left in garrison there, by the most practicable route to Pikeville, the head of Sequatchie Valley. Colonel Minty's cavalry to move, on the left, by Sparta, to drive back Debrel's cavalry toward Kingston, where the enemy's mounted troops, under Forrest, were concentrated, and then, covering the left flank of Van Cleve's column, to proceed to Pikeville. The Fourteenth army corps, Major-General George H. Thomas comm
conviction. Respectfully, your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, Genl. Headquarters, Department N. C. and so. Va., Dunlop's, on Swift Creek, June 14th, 1864. Genl. R. E. Lee, Comdg. Army of No. Va., Riddell's Shop, Va.: General,—Not being arong light on it. On the morning of Tuesday, June 14th, 1864, you sent for me to come to your quarters—we were then at Dunlop's, on Swift Creek. Mr. Soule was with you at the time, and Colonel Otey, Adjutant-General, was sent for. You detailed to would send you aid, and, if needed, come himself. With some kind messages to you he then dismissed me. When I reached Dunlop's you, with your whole staff, I was informed, were at Petersburg, and I rejoined you there, making a verbal report substarant's army, in June, 1864. On a Wednesday, the 15th day of June, 1864, at about 12 o'clock, while we were encamped at Dunlop's farm, on Swift Creek, near Petersburg, you received intelligence that our lines in front of Petersburg were being attac
d by an endless band of steel slats, is employed. In 1852, a patent was granted to Marcus Davis in England, for forming locomotive tires of a soft material, covered with india-rubber protected by an exterior sheet of steel. In the same year Thomas Allan obtained a patent for encircling wheels with an outer tire of vulcanized india-rubber, solid or tubular, or other elastic substance. The advantages of this arrangement for road locomotives were particularly set forth. At the same time Mr. Dunlop patented a tire of annealed cast-iron, grooved to receive an india-rubber band. Various other patents followed, embracing india-rubber as a material to be used in constructing tires. A source of trouble with continuous tires on wooden wheels is the shrinkage of the timber, particularly when green, rendering cutting and resetting the tires necessary. To obviate this it is recommended to use only seasoned timbers for the fellies, and soak them in boiling linseed-oil. See also tire-bend
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, The lost arts (1838). (search)
from the East. Cinderella and her slipper is older than all history, like half a dozen other baby legends. The annals of the world do not go back far enough to tell us from where they first came. All the boys' plays, like everything that amuses the child in the open air, are Asiatic. Rawlinson will show you that they came somewhere from the banks of the Ganges or the suburbs of Damascus. Bulwer borrowed the incidents of his Roman stories from legends of a thousand years before. Indeed, Dunlop, who has grouped the history of the novels of all Europe into one essay, says that in the nations of modern Europe there have been two hundred and fifty or three hundred distinct stories. He says at least two hundred of these may be traced, before Christianity, to the other side of the Black Sea. If this were my topic, which it is not, I might tell you that even our newspaper jokes are enjoying a very respectable old age. Take Maria Edgeworth's essay on Irish bulls and the laughable mistak
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 9: (search)
ed me kindly, with empressement, and came at once to the business, as I wanted him to do; and, before I had been with him half an hour, it was fully agreed that there should be an Edinburgh Review of Ferdinand and Isabella; that Allen should write it, if Napier can persuade him to do so,—which I do not anticipate; that otherwise a review by a young Spaniard, by name Gayangos, which I know Allen will propose, shall be accepted; and, if both these fail, that then the subject shall be given to Dunlop, the author of the History of Fiction, who, I suppose, will do it as a sort of hack work, but of whom Napier feels sure. I was glad, however, to have it settled, for the book deserves all that any of its author's friends can do for it. Napier said it had been sent to him, but that he had not looked at it, and knew nothing about it; so that the whole of his kindly promptness was owing to the letters I brought him, which, to be sure, would carry as much weight with them as any in the Three Ki
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 33 (search)
ber 29, 1864. * * * The enemy along the lines have been in motion ever since nine o'clock last night. There was heavy artillery and infantry firing to our left last night; and this afternoon there has been heavy cavalry skirmishing to our right. The enemy, I understand, have-possession of Fort Harrison, nearChafin's Bluff, on the north side of the James. We have been under marching orders all day and will probably get off to-night. Our destination is the north side of the James. From Dunlop's we go to Rice's by rail. We will probably soon be engaged in another deadly conflict. * * * [Vii.] near battle-field on Jones' Farm, October 4, 1864. See Southern Historical Society Papers.—History of Lane's North Carolina Brigade, Vol. IX, pages 354-489. * * * Last Friday we had actually started for the north side of the James, and had crossed the Appomattox, when we were ordered back and sent to the right, as parts of the Fifth and Ninth Yankee corps had advanced and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The career of Wise's Brigade, 1861-5. (search)
coal pits, and join his right before daybreak the next morning, when he would attack Butler. In a few hours after this order was received, another order from Beauregard, changing this, came, ordering (J. G.) Martin's and Wise's Brigades to be at Dunlop's, on the Richmond and Petersburg turnpike, before daybreak the next morning, and thence at daybreak to move to the sound of Beauregard's guns. It is lamentable to add that, owing to causes which affect the reputation of a brave and accomplished Confederate commander, who died nobly in battle afterwards, General Whiting did not move as promptly as he might. The two brigades were at Dunlop's before daybreak, and there awaited his orders until more than an hour by sun. They were moved then, and found the reserve of the enemy under General Terry in barricade at the Walthall Railroad junction with the Petersburg Railroad and the turnpike. Martin's Brigade was on the right and Wise's on the left, crossing the turnpike on which the enemy