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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. 1 1 Browse Search
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17., The Roman Catholic Church in Medford. (search)
der the care of the Rev. Thomas McCarthy. It has a membership of two thousand nine hundred. The congregation worshipped all summer in a huge tent, but it is already in its new building, which has been dedicated since this paper was begun. So the Catholic Church in Medford has increased greatly in numbers, and has adhered most firmly to the faith brought hither by the stalwart and loyal Irish immigrants so many years ago. The spirits of those faithful pioneers must look with loving pride and gratitude upon the result of their labors which have been so blessed of God. The statistics from which I have compiled this paper were supplied to me by a sketch of the church in Malden, written by Rev. Neil Brennan, a memorandum given by Mr. McGillicuddy and brought to me kindly by Mr. Edward J. Gaffey, and papers kindly lent me by Mrs. M. F. Dwyer from those left by her late husband. The latter part is from my own recollections and dates verified by Rev. Thomas L. Flanagan. L. F. H.