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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.9 (search)
erans, while the good deeds of those passed away are wreathed in memory that blooms sweetly and blossoms in the dust: 8 Members. Apperson, James L. Archer, Robert S. Ainslie, George A. Allen, Charles W. Burrows, Rev. J. L. Burress, James E. Beville, Wm. J. Bates, Charles Barney, Dr. C. G. Bailey, Samuel M. Cabell, Dr. J. G. Dooley, John Dudley, Thomas U. Doswell, Thomas W. Dibrell, R. H. Enders, John Exall, Henry Ellett, Andrew L. Eacho, Edward D. Edmond, Robert Ellyson, Moses Frayser, Lewis H. Glazebrook, L. W. Gatewood, Robert Goddin, Wellington Hobson, Julius A. Hackett, James H. Harrison, Samuel J. Harvey, John B. Isaacs, Wm. B. Jinkins, Andrew James, Edwin T. Johnston, Andrew Lyons, William H. Leftwich, John H. McCance, Thomas W. McKeil, John W. Martin, Jordan H. Meredith, R. L. Mitchell, John (Irish patriot). Maury, Robert H. Montague, John H. Pur
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Land and Slaves in the county of Amelia, for sale privately. (search)
te of the city in may, 1859, for Governor, was as follows: Goggin 2,043, Letcher 1,589. total vote 3,632. the following shows the increase in the total vote of the city: Vote in 18604,282 Vote in 18593,632 Increase650 Henrico. Court-House.--Bell 762; Breckinridge 341; Douglas 124. Alley's — Bell 204; Douglas 44; Breckinridge 41. Dickman's Store.--Majority for Bell 148. Sweney's.--Majority for Bell 50. Hughes's.--The vote here is a tie between Bell and Breckinridge. Eacho's. --The vote here is a tie between Bell and Breckinridge. Chesterfield. Manchester.--The vote stands Bell 326; Douglas 110; Breckinridge 90. Opposition gain of 198. Clover Hill.--Breckinridge 232; Bell 20; Douglas 0. Court-House.#x2014;Breckinridge 76; Douglas 58; Bell 43. Shell's.--Bell 72; Breckinridge 22; Douglas 46. Robinson's Store.--Bell 120; Breckinridge 65; Douglas 28. Spotsylvania. Fredericksburg.--The vote here stands Bell 353; Breckinridge 232; Douglas 179.
Ten dollars reward. --I will give the above reward for the return to me, or for such information as will lead to the arrest of a Negro B Y named Horace. He is of medium size, of yellow or copper color, and has light colored eyes. I think he has either gone to Manassas with some regiment of soldiers, or is lurking about some campground near the city. He was hired to E. A. Mayo for the present year by E D Eacho W. B. Martin. At S. M. Balley's Tobacco Factory. au 26--1w
Special election. --All the precincts in Henrico county have been heard from, except Eacho's, and show the following vote for State Senator: Garnett.Davis. Court House11924 Evin Snades73 Alley's.251 Sweeney's120 Hughes's457 Hungary45 Dickman's3512 206102 Showing a majority thus far, in the county, for Dr. Garnett, of 104, and he is probably elected. Mr. John B. Young had no opposition for the State Convention.
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], Jackson's brigade — separation between him and them. (search)
The election. We subjoin a few additional returns of the election in this State for members of Congress. From the third district, which includes the city of Richmond, we have the following: Henrico county--official.Tyler. MacFARLANEarlane. Lyons. Court-House33517641 Alley's94754 Dickman's157633 Sweeney's3811 Haghes's2978 Eria Shades8624 Eacho's13-8 Hungary Station.5741 Hungary Station.-- Hungary Station.452319210 Tyler's plurality, 183; which, added to the vote of the city of Richmond, makes his plurality in the city and county 518. We have a report that Mr. Tyler has a majority in Hanover county, but of this we are not positive. The general belief is that he is elected. Fifth District. The following are partial returns from Charicite county: Keysville — Bocock 71, Goods 26, Smith's Tavern — Bocock 30, Goode 20; Robey's — Bocock 20, Goode 5; Ct. House --Bocock 47, Goode 12, Wood Bouldin 1. Sixth and Seventh District. Lynchburg, Nov<
Edward D Eacho,General Agentand Collector. Office on 14th, between Main and Franklin sts.,corner of Exchange Alley, Richmond, Viginia, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he will continue the same line of business the ensuing year, viz: Renting out Houses, Farms, &c. Selling Real Estate, Hiring out and Selling Negroes, Negotiating Loans, Collecting Bonds, Notes, and Open Accounts, Adjusting Claims, and attending to all matters appertaining to a General Agent. Thankful for the liberal patronage he has received for the last mine years, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Persons in the country intending to send me their servants for hire, would please do so if possible by the 1st or 2d of January, in order that good prices and comfortable homes may be secured. de 19--lm
Ranaway.--$100 reward if found without, $50 if found within this State. Runaway in November last, Jim, a man about 24 years old. He is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, very thin and delicate looking; has been brought up as a dining-room servant; has sprightly manners; is of a ginger-bread color; has one ankle sprained and limps slightly; has one of his thumbs a good deal enlarged from a whitlow, and has rather red eyes. The above reward will be paid if he be delivered to Mr. E. D. Eacho, or lodged in a Richmond jail. fe 27--12t S. P. Flournor.
Twenty-five dollars reward. --Ranaway from the premises of Mr. Baumgarten a negro Girl named "Jenny," the property of Mr. J. Thompson Brown. The said girl is about 4½ feet high, gingerbread color, rather unpleasant when spoken to; has no scar that I can remember. I will give $25 for her apprehension. au 28--6t R. D. Eacho.
For hire. --Six or seven House Girls, from 12 to 14 years of age. To obtain good homes the hires will be moderate. Apply to E. D. Eacho, or at the corner of Leigh and 10th streets. ja 17--eod3t*
For Hire. --Six on seven House Girls, from 12 to 14 years of age. To obtain good homes the hires will be moderate. Apply to E D Eacho, or at the corner of Leigh and 10th streets. ja 17--ecd3t*
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