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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 122 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Steel breast plates (search)
of Manassas. I saw a vest made of strips of steel about an inch wide, connected together, but very flexible. This vest was taken from the body of a dead Federal soldier. At the first day's fight at Gettysburg I was courier for the inspector of Early's Division, Ewell's Corps, my business being to attend to the wounded and prisoners, I found a dead Federal soldier who had on a vest shaped armor, made of very thin steel. This was in two solid pieces, one for the back, and the other for the frough, dated the day before the fight, stating that it was to enable him to go home to get married. With it was a letter from his expectant bride, filled with glad anticipations of their approaching marriage, but he chose to remain and fight, and lost his life thereby. He was a very handsome, blonde young man, above medium size, and was from New York. I write this as it may possibly meet the eye of some one who knew him in life. J. Cabell Early. Bon Ton, Bedford county, Va., July 25, 1904.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.41 (search)
rant easily spared an ample force to overwhelm Early. Such as it was the chance was made absolutelconcisely, the argument of this record is that Early lost this battle, and by not following Gordon'his was feasible and was caused to halt by General Early. I maintain that such assumption is not wderstand why the imperturbable and long headed Early was not carried away by his enthusiastic suborplanned attack, the Confederate commander (General Early) surprised and stampeded the 8th Federal C the idea that our advance was unresisted. Of Early's corps proper the losses are given for only ond every inch of the line menaced, where could Early have drawn re-enforcements from? The center h, etc., which was well calculated to anger General Early. But I am sure that he was mistaken as toGovernor Smith, who had commanded a brigade in Early's division. The correspondence between them aLee went to his grave with his estimate of General Early unchanged. The following is taken from Pr[49 more...]