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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.12 (search)
e lull now succeeded the furious storm of the morning, while the exhausted troops of both sides awaited the arrival of approaching reinforcements. Meanwhile General Early's brigade had been withdrawn from the support of the cavalry, which had been formed on a hill to the extreme left-front of the infantry, and General McLaws' Diof us hailed them and inquired what troops they were—and as soon as they had cleared our line they faced to the right, were joined by Grigsby's remnants and by General Early, who commanded his division after General Lawton was wounded, and the enemy was driven out of the woods on that part of the field and across the Hagerstown ture, on the left, and very few of them came even so far. Moreover, they were all driven from this position and beyond the turnpike in the attack of McLaws' brigades, Early and Grigsby on Sedgwick, after whose defeat, I might say rout, there was no more fighting on that portion of the line. Grigsby's handful of men—men of Jackson's o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.17 (search)
speakable rejoicing throughout the North. General Early has said (Early's Memoir, page 91, note): Harbor, June 3, 1864, General Lee detached General Early, commanding the Second Corps (Ewell's), toace, and threatened Washington. The troops of Early were too much fatigued with their long and hotdge, commanded by General Wharton. Later, General Early was joined by General R. H. Anderson, withd manoeuvering for position on the part of Generals Early and Sheridan. Notwithstanding his immensed, and night alone (for it was now dark) saved Early's army from capture. It was not dark, not evetheir numbers was all wrong. He attributes to Early in infantry alone at least double the number t524) there is given from a field return of General Early's army, August 31, 1864, excluding Kershawidan three and two-thirds times as many men as Early had. The Confederate losses were in round nrs and missing. It is not surprising that General Early was defeated, but it is surprising that he[18 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Confederate Generals are all passing away. (search)
. John C. Pemberton. 8. Richard S. Ewell. 9. Ambrose Powell Hill. 10. Daniel H. Hill. 11. John B. Hood. 12. Richard Taylor. 13. Stephen D. Lee. 14. Jubal A. Early. 15. Richard H. Anderson. 16. Alexander P. Stewart. 17. Nathan Bedford Forrest. 18. Wade Hampton. 19. Simon B. Buckner. 20. Joseph Wheeler. Generng fully the Gettysburg campaign and battle, will find the facts very fully set forth in the Southern Historical Society Papers, especially in the papers of General J. A. Early, General James Longstreet, General Fitzhugh Lee, General Walter H. Taylor, Colonel William Allan, General A. L. Long, General E. P. Alexander, General J. B.een in command victory, instead of failure, would have resulted. Some months after, in an address at Lexington, on the 19th of January (Lee's anniversary), General J. A. Early defended his chief against this charge, and a year later General W. N. Pendleton followed on the same line. There was a bitter controversy between Longst
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Captain Don P. Halsey, C. S. A. (search)
my, He boasts of his numbers. We rely upon our just cause and the kindness of an overruling Providence. During the most of the year 1864, he served on the staff of General R. D. Johnston, participating in the famous Valley Campaign of General Jubal A. Early, and towards the last of that year, after the battle of Winchester, he was transferred to the staff of Major-General G. C. Wharton, who had succeeded to the command of General J. C. Breckinridge's Division when that officer entered the cacretary of War. This was the latter part of September, 1864. About the same time Major J. P. Smith was assigned as inspector-general. Major Halsey as adjutant-general served in this capacity until the unfortunate affair at Waynesboro, when General Early, thinking that Sheridan would take the same route to Lynchburg that Hunter had taken, viz: through Lexington, placed our troops on the west side of Waynesboro, with the river in our rear, effectually preventing any retreat. As we had only a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The burning of Chambersburg, Penn. [from the New Orleans, La., Picayune, August 2, 1903.] (search)
Picayune, August 2, 1903.] Ordered by General Early in retaliation for the wanton destruction f the strongest reasons for the retaliation by Early's orders upon the city of Chambersburg. AndreIt made the advance post of the army under General Early that was guarding the approaches into Virglley. On July 28 I received an order from General Early to cross the Potomac with my brigade and or their loss of property. It appears that General Early adopted this policy after proper reflectiosee me, my written authority and orders of General Early, and before a single house was burned bothrs In the Saddle, page 210 He showed me General Early's order. General Early, in his Memoir, paGeneral Early, in his Memoir, page 57, says: A written demand was sent to the municipal authorities, and they were informed what refusal to comply with it. On page 59, General Early says: On the 30th of July McCausland ree by my orders. I showed him the order of General Early, which he refused to obey, declaring that [3 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Crenshaw Battery, (search)
the Gilliam field, supported by Pickett's Division. In fact the battery was placed among Corse's Brigade, with the left gun, and with two guns commanded by Lieutenant Early, in the five forks of the road, from which the place takes its name. We hadn't long to wait for the approach of the enemy. In a few minutes the whole of Giing a battalion of artillery of five companies—who were to co-operate with General Harry Heth's Division and other troops, all acting under the command of General Jubal A. Early, to meet a flank movement of the Federals. The whole day was spent in driving the Federals back to their original position, each battery taking its turn sent back immediately to Colonel Richardson for the whole of his battalion. While the Crenshaw Battery was limbering up preparatory to carrying out the order, General Early rode up, and said: Captain, what are you going to do? General Heth's order was repeated to him, when he said: If you attempt to carry your battery there
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), North Carolina and Virginia. (search)
ad expected in this report, to discuss a very different subject from that which now claims our attention. Indeed we deeply regret that the matter which demands our attention at this time, should have to be considered by us at all. But we conceive it to be our first duty to our Mother State to see that her record in the Confederate war is kept true, and not misunderstood or misrepresented by either friend or foe. We have always deprecated controversies between Confederates. We think, as General Early once said, there is glory enough attached to the Confederate struggle for all of us to have a share, that we should stand together and see that the truth of that conflict is preserved; this is all we have a right to ask, and we should be content with nothing less. This being our position, we repeat our sincere regret that some recent publications from representatives of our sister State of North Carolina have come to us in such a way, and that these publications emanate from such sour
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
udge, 90. Crutchfield, Colonel S., 104. Cutshaw, Colonel W. E., 177. Daniel, Major John W., 205. Danville, Va., 80 334. David, Torpedo Boat, 330. Davidson, Captain, Hunter, 827. Davis, President, portrait of in the War Department, 86; last proclamation of, 837; monument, 209; Major Sturgis, 12. Depew, Senator, Chauncey, 97. Dinkins Captain James, 298. Dixon, Lieutenant, his daring, 880. Donelson Surrender of Fort, 298. Douglas, Major H. K., 65. Duncan, Colonel 58. Early, General J. A, 61, 340. Echo, Capture of the Brig, 53. Ellett, Captain, James, 380; Lieut. Robert, 275: Captain Thomas, 275. Englehard, Major J. A., 354. Ewing, Master, 330; General Thos. C., 88. Federal, Vessels destroyed, 53, 330 831; Union a compact, 87; vandalism, 27. First shot of the war, 73. Fisher's Creek, Battle of, 166. Five Forks Battle of, 284. Flag, C S., Evolution of 68. Forrest, General 318. Forts, Battery Nine, 20; Grigg, assault of and its defenders , 60,