Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 8, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Early or search for Early in all documents.

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f War: There has been very little skirmishing on the lines to-day. It was discovered early this morning that the enemy 214 withdrawn from the front of Gen. Early on our left, and from the most of the front of Gen. Anderson on the centre. Respectfully, &c., R. E. Lee, General There was some skirmishing on thorrespondence, and so the matter stands. This morning the fact was revealed that the enemy had fallen back from our left and a part of the centre, in front of Early and a portion of Anderson's command, and moving by their left flank still to our right, or concentrating their troops on that point. Lieut. Gen. Early at once begGen. Early at once began to swing his columns, and went some two miles, passing over three heavily entrenched lines of works which the enemy had left. On lines parallel with the Mechanicsville pike, some nine or ten miles from Richmond, we captured some fifty prisoners, some of whom say Grant has fallen back to the White House to get the protection of
From Gen. Lee's army. Battle-field near Gaines's Mill June 7-5 P. M. --My telegram last night should have read Early followed the enemy two miles, and not ten. After going this far, and finding the enemy entrenched behind Totopotomy Creek, with the swamp in their front, Early did not go further.--The condition of affairs on the left remains unchanged to-day. The enemy is still in front of Hill and Anderson, but is reported moving to-night. Last evening Grant sent another flag oEarly did not go further.--The condition of affairs on the left remains unchanged to-day. The enemy is still in front of Hill and Anderson, but is reported moving to-night. Last evening Grant sent another flag of truce to Gen. Lee, asking permission to bury his dead. This was granted, and the time set from 7 to 10 o'clock last night.--Grant did not get the answer in time, and so the dead are not buried. Grant sent to Gen. Lee another flag of truce this morning, for what purpose has not transpired. There has been some picket and battery firing to-day.