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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 3 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 17, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 33: (search)
g-Assistant Paymaster, J. S. Isaacs; Second-Lieutenant Marines, Alfred Devereaux; Acting-Masters, Howard Tibbatts and C. C. Kingsbury; Acting-Ensigns, C. A. Pettit and R. T. Westcott; Acting-Master's Mates, W. Van Wyck, O. F. Wixen, J. G. Rose, Sidney Gray, Arthur Taffe and J. S. Griscom; Boatswain, William Winchester; Acting-Gunners, G. W. Allen and J. G. Bills; Carpenter, C. W. Babbitt; Sailmaker, John Joins. Steamer Keystone State. Commander, Wm. E. Le Roy; Lieutenant Commander, T. H. Eastman, Assistant Surgeon, J. H. Gotwold; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, J. S. Stimson; Acting-Masters, C. H. Corser, Curtis Redman and L. E. Degn; Acting-Ensign, C. M. Bird; Acting-Master's Mates, J. C. Murphy, J. E. Jones and J. T. Ridgeway; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, A. K. Eddowes; Acting-Second-Assistant, James Doran; Acting-Third-Assistants, Wm. F. Warburton, John Smith and Pearson L. Fry; Acting-Gunner, David L. Briggs. Steamer Cimmerone. Commander, Maxwell Woodhull; Lieutenant
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 47: operations of South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, under Rear-admiral Dahlgren, during latter end of 1863 and in 1864. (search)
Third-Assistants, H. J. Tarr, Chas. E. Jevens and G. S. Odell. Steamer Seneca. Lieutenant-Commander, Alfred Hopkins; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, A. B. C. Sawyer; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Elijah Ward; Acting-Masters, Henry Vaughan and G. W. Ewer; Acting-Ensigns, G. H. Wood and J. H. Ankers; Acting-Master's Mates, J. G. Paine and E. W. Fiske; Engineers: Second-Assistants, Jos. Watters, H. H. Burritt and Thomas Lynch; Third-Assistant, R. T. Bennett. Steamer Memphis. Lieutenant-Commander, Thos. H. Eastman; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, Louis Michel; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, W. E. Foster; Acting-Ensigns, E. A. Magone, J. B. Childs, G. A. Churchill and S. W. Cowing; Acting-Master's Mates, J. G. Crocker, Silas Owen, J. W. Moore and J. W. DeCamp; Engineers: Acting-Second-Assistants, Chas. McCarty, and Peter Anderson; Acting-Third-Assistants, J. H. Vaile and Wm. Adams. Iron-clad steamer Catskill. Lieutenant-Commander, F. M. Bunce; Assistant Surgeon, Robert Willard; Acting-Assi
r by signal, I deemed it my duty (Commander Frailey advising the step) to make the best of my way to Port Royal; Commander Frailey, by my request, advising the senior officer that I would leave in tow of the Memphis unless he gave other orders. Accompanying please find list of casualties. In conclusion, I beg to call attention to the desire manifested by all under my command to destroy the enemy, and particularly to the cool and efficient manner in which I was seconded by Lieutenant Commander Thomas H. Eastman, the executive officer of the ship. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, William E. Leroy, Commander. Acting Assistant Surgeon Mason of the Mercedita makes the following report of the killed and wounded on board that vessel: Killed — Jacob Atmee, gunner, by a shell; James Gale, second-class fireman, scalded to death. Wounded — Wm. Eastwood, slightly ; James Armstrong, slightly ; John Riley, mortally ; Jas. Gallagher, mortally — the two latter have sin<
The Daily Dispatch: March 17, 1863., [Electronic resource], Official report of the Naval engagement off Charleston. (search)
te with he senior officer present personally or by signal. I deemed it my duty (Commander Fraliey advising the ship) to make the best of my way to Port Royal, Commander Frailey, by my request, advising the senior officer that I would leave in tow of the Memphis unless he gave other orders. In conclusion I beg to call attention to the desire manifested by all under my command to destroy the enemy, and particularly to the cool and efficient manner in which I was seconded by Lieut. Commander Thomas H. Eastman, the executive officer of the ship. I am, very resp'y, your obd't serv't. (Signed.) Wm. E. Leroy, Commander. Capt. W. R. Taylor, senior officer of the Housetonic makes to Admiral Dupont a circumstantial report of the action; but all the detailed are published elsewhere. He thinks he shot from the forward turret the flag of the rebel ram; but as she immediately steamed away, and he had to assist the Quaker City, he could not ascertain correctly. The Augusta re