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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 8: Civil affairs in 1863.--military operations between the Mountains and the Mississippi River. (search)
man T. Willey, P. G. Van Winkle. Wisconsin.--James R. Doolittle, Timothy O. Howe. Hannibal Hamlin, Vice-President of the Republic and President of the Senate. House of Representatives. California.--Thomas B. Shannon, William Higbee, Cornelius Cole. Connecticut.--Henry C. Deming, James E. English, Augustus Brandegee, John H. Hubbard. Delaware.--Nathaniel B. Smithers. Illinois.--Isaac N. Arnold, John F. Farnsworth, Elihu B. Washburne, Charles M. Harris, Owen Lovejoy, Jesse O. Norton, John R. Eden, John T. Stuart, Lewis W. Ross, A. L. Knapp, J. C. Robinson, William R. Morrison, William J. Allen, James C. Allen. Indiana.--John Law, James A. Cravens, H. W. Harrington, William S. Holman, George W. Julian, Ebenezer Dumont, Daniel W. Voorhees, Godlove S. Orth, Schuyler Colfax, J. K. Edgerton, James F. McDowell. Iowa.--James F. Wilson, Hiram Price, William B. Allison, J. B. Grinnell, John A. Kasson, A. W. Hubbard. Kansas.--A. Carter Wilder. Kentucky.--Lucien Anderson, George H. Yeaman, H
continue the open war they had begun. Last night the body of one of our settlers was found on the railroad track shot through the head. The most intense indignation prevails among the loyal men, and many, of before doubtful proclivities, have got their eyes opened to the real intents of their associates. Dr. Shubal York, of the 54th Illinois regiment, murdered in the first outbreak at charleston, was spoken of as the Union candidate for congress in the seventh district, in place of John R. Eden.--The copperheads claim that the original disturbances grew out of some heated remarks of the deceased, called out by Eden's assault upon him in a speech to the meeting held at charleston on Monday. Dr. York was a gallant and estimable man and officer, and was connected with the regiment from the time of its first organization at Anna, in 1861. The main part of the 54th regiment, as before stated in your dispatches, was here at the time, but was forthwith sent to the scene of the affra