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The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 6 0 Browse Search
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The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Personal Poems (search)
th the fall Of that accursed tree, whose evil trunk Was spared of old by Erfurt's stalwart monk. Fight not with ghosts and shadows. Let us hear The snap of chain-links. Let our gladdened ear Catch the pale prisoner's welcome, as the light Follows thy axe-stroke, through his cell of night. Be faithful to both worlds; nor think to feed Earth's starving millions with the husks of creed. Servant of Him whose mission high and holy Was to the wronged, the sorrowing, and the lowly, Thrust not his Eden promise from our sphere, Distant and dim beyond the blue sky's span; Like him of Patmos, see it, now and here, The New Jerusalem comes down to man! Be warned by Luther's error. Nor like him, When the roused Teuton dashes from his limb The rusted chain of ages, help to bind His hands for whom thou claim'st the freedom of the mind! 1846. Channing. The last time I saw Dr. Channing was in the summer of 1841, when, in company with my English friend, Joseph Sturge, so well known for his
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Occasional Poems (search)
f the Lord! ‘Arise,’ he said, “why look behind, When hope is all before, And patient hand and willing mind, Your loss may yet restore? I leave with you a spell whose power Can make the desert glad, And call around you fruit and flower As fair as Eden had. I clothe your hands with power to lift The curse from off your soil; Your very doom shall seem a gift, Your loss a gain through Toil. Go, cheerful as yon humming-bees, To labor as to play. “ White glimmering over Eden's trees The angel pass Eden's unknown ground? That garden of the primal pair May nevermore be found. But, blest by Thee, our patient toil May right the ancient wrong, And give to every clime and soil The beauty lost so long. Our homestead flowers and fruited trees May Eden's orchard shame; We taste the tempting sweets of these Like Eve, without her blame. And, North and South and East and West, The pride of every zone, The fairest, rarest, and the best May all be made our own. Its earliest shrines the young wor