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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Harford, Henry (search)
Harford, Henry A natural son of Frederick Calvert, the fifth Lord Baltimore, who was a man of some literary accomplishments, but of dissolute habits. and who died without lawful issue. He bequeathed the province of Maryland to this illegitimate son, who was then (1771) a boy at school. Lord Baltimore's brother-in-law, Robert Eden, had succeeded Sharpe as governor of Maryland, and he continued to administer the government of the province in behalf of the boy, until the fires of the Revolution consumed royalty in all the provinces.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ireland. (search)
amounted to about 50,000 at the close of the war with America (1782). They were united under one general-in-chief. Feeling strong in the right and in its material and moral vitality at the moment, and encouraged by the success of the Americans, Ireland demanded reforms for herself. The viceroy reported that unless it was determined that the knot which bound the two countries should be severed forever, the points required by the Irish Parliament must be conceded. It was a critical moment. Eden, who was secretary for Ireland, proposed the repeal of the act of George I. which asserted the right of the Parliament of Great Britain to make laws to bind the people and the kingdom of Ireland—the right claimed for Parliament which drove the Americans to war—and the Rockingham ministry adopted and carried the important measure. Appeals from the courts of Ireland to the British House of Peers were abolished; the restraints on independent legislation were done away with, and Ireland, still o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Maryland, State of. (search)
endence. Its convention voted, May 20, 1776, that it was not necessary to suppress every exercise of royal authority. Several intercepted letters, written by Governor Eden, which had just come to light, caused Congress to recommend his arrest. The Baltimore committee volunteered in the matter, but became involved, in consequenceon, that the governor, in his correspondence with the British ministry, had not acted in a hostile character; but, at the same time, it was voted to signify to Governor Eden that the public safety and quiet required him to leave the province, which he did. Laying out Baltimore, Jan. 12, 1730. While stirring events were occurarles, Lord Baltimore1732 to 1733 Samuel Ogle1734 to 1741 Thomas Bladen1742 to 1745 Samuel Ogle1746 to 1751 Benjamin Tasker1752 Horatio Sharpe1753 to 1768 Robert Eden1769 to 1774 Under the Continental Congress. Thomas Johnson1777 to 1779 Thomas Sim Lee1780 to 1782 William Paca1783 to 1784 William Smallwood1785 to 1788
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States. (search)
he English secretary of state, addressed to Robert Eden, Esq., deputy governor of Maryland. Govern under date of December 23, 1775, wrote to Governor Eden two letters which were captured by Captainficer of the troops at Annapolis to arrest Governor Eden. This order was conveyed through Mr. Samu To this communication, after some delay, Governor Eden replied, declining to accept the terms pro proceedings of the convention relative to Governor Eden, together with a request for a passport fr invasion. The letters did not prove that Governor Eden assented to the Southern invasion, but the proceedings of that convention respecting Governor Eden, and our reason for not becoming accessorycepted letter from Lord George Germaine to Governor Eden, in which his whole conduct and confidentiss with which they implored the offices of Governor Eden with the British ministry. How far the co defending their own course with regard to Governor Eden, and censuring Virginia for publishing the[9 more...]
Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 1: Maryland in its Origin, progress, and Eventual relations to the Confederate movement. (search)
amp Act. When the farmers of New England met and drove the British regulars at Breed's Hill, the prompt response of Maryland was a battalion of riflemen which marched from Frederick to Boston, 550 miles, to reinforce their brethren. Maryland had no interest in this fight. She enjoyed a just and liberal government. Her people made their own laws, levied their own taxes and expended them for their own benefit, and there was no friction between them and the government. Their governor, Sir Robert Eden, was one of the most popular gentlemen in the province. But when the word went out that Boston needed assistance, every country committee, every court, every provincial assembly proclaimed with one voice, The cause of Boston is the cause of all, and from that hour to the signature of the definite treaty of peace, Maryland never faltered in her support of the cause of her friends and neighbors. She lavished her last man and her last dollar to sustain that cause. No British soldier ev
lty, wished them freedom and happiness, till time should be no more. The flowing and confident assurances of Botetourt encouraged the expectation that the unproductive tax on tea would also be given up. Such was his wish; and such the advice of Eden, the new Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Eden to Hillsborough, 23 Nov. To the Legislature of New-York, Colden, who, on account of the death of Moore, now administered the Government, announced unequivocally the greatest probability that the laEden to Hillsborough, 23 Nov. To the Legislature of New-York, Colden, who, on account of the death of Moore, now administered the Government, announced unequivocally the greatest probability that the late duties imposed by the authority of Parliament, so much to the dissatisfaction of the Colonies, would be taken off in the ensuing session. Journal of the General Assembly, 4; Speech of the Lieutenant Governor, 22 November, 1769. Compare Hillsborough to Colden, 18 January, 1770. Chap. XLII.} 1769. Nov. The confident promise confirmed the loyalty of Dec. the House, though by way of caution they adopted and put upon their journals the resolves of Virginia. Colden to Hillsborough, 4
g. questioned. His language became more explicit as danger drew nearer. In August, Boston saw in its harbor twelve vessels of war, carrying more than two hundred and sixty guns, commanded by Mon. tagu, the brother of Sandwich. Boston Gazette, 19 Aug. 1771. Yet there was no one salient wrong, to attract the sudden and universal attention of the people. The Southern Governors felt no alarm. Eden from Maryland congratulated Hillsborough, on the return of confidence and harmony. Robert Eden to Hillsborough, 4 August, 1771. The people, thus Johnson, the Agent of Connecticut wrote after his return home, appear to be weary of their altercations with the Mother Country; a little discreet conduct on both sides, would perfectly reestablish that warm affection and respect towards Great Britain, for which this country was once so Chap. XLVII.} 1771. Sept. Remarkable. W. S. Johnson to Alexander Wedderburn, 25 Oct. 1771. Hutchinson, too, reported a disposition in all the Colo
etary at this time had no hold on public affection from historic recollections; for he was an illegitimate infant child of the late libertine Lord Baltimore, the last of that name; and it might seem a shame to a commonwealth that its executive power should be transferable by testamentary disposition even to a bastard. Yet the party of the proprietary was strong and wary; had struck deep root into the soil of Maryland itself, and counted Dulany among its friends. The lieutenant governor, Robert Eden, had made himself acceptable and even beloved; had no power to do mischief, and made no attempt to raise the king's standard, maintaining a prudent reserve and acquiescing in what he could not prevent or alter; so that he and the proprietary party were regarded Chap. XLV.} 1775. in the strife as neutrals, not hostile to the American claims of right. The convention which met at Annapolis on the twenty sixth of July resolved fully to sustain Massachusetts, and meet force by force. The
querulous as ever, he praised the provincial congress of New York as angels of decision compared with the Virginia committee of safety. Yet his reputation ensured deference to his advice; and at Apr. his instance, directions were given for the removal of all inhabitants from the exposed parts of Norfolk and Princess Anne counties; an inconsiderate order which it was soon found necessary to mitigate or rescind. Letters, intercepted in April, indicated some concert of action on the part of Eden, the governor of Maryland, with Dunmore: Lee, though Maryland was not within his district, and in contempt of the regularly appointed committee of that colony, directed Samuel Purviance, of the committee of Baltimore, to seize Eden without ceremony or delay. The interference was resented as an insult on the authority which the people had constituted; the Maryland committee, even after the continental congress directed his arrest, still avoided a final rupture with British authority, and suff