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The Daily Dispatch: September 14, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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at he was not exactly himself. He was consequently released on taking the oath of allegiance. Dr. Steinhower and T. J. Sappington, two old and respectable citizens of Saint Louis county, were released on taking the oath, as were also T. B. Grigsby, of Frederickton; John Green, of Potosi; James Marr and Jerome Wall, of Franklin county; A. C. Roberts, of Lexington; and M. M. Lynch, of Washington county. James Tracy, who has three brothers in the Southern army, was remanded to prison. Among other prisoners in custody are James C. Edwards, formerly President of the North Missouri railroad, charged with treasonable practices; Samuel M. Wells, charged with firing into a railroad train and assisting in burning bridges and destroying property on the North Missouri railroad, and John Crow, late of the Southern army. At Jefferson City, affairs continue as much as usual. Extensive entrenchments are in process of construction for the defence of the place in the event of an attack.