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Arrest — Homicides. --In the report of the proceedings on yesterday of the Mayor's Court, in this column, the reader will see the name of a man charged with robbing Thomas H. Edwards of the sum of $110. There were several persons engaged in this robbery; and after the adjournment of the Court, His Honor issued warrants for their arrest. Officers Bibb and Blanliensing were detailed to perform the duty; and accordingly they proceeded to the camp where the guilty soldiers were quartered on that errand. They succeeded in finding one of the offenders, and were aided in his arrest by one of his fellow soldiers.--This conduct of a law-loving soldier exasperated some of his comrades, and one of them swore that be would kill him. Afterwards, during the day, the soldier and the Sergeant were walking in the streets, and were discovered by the angry criminal, who forthwith drew a pistol and commenced firing upon the one who had assisted in arresting his companion in guilt. Whereupon, the
" aforesaid. J. P. Carr was sent to jail for want of surety for his good behavior, on the charge of having been drummed out of his regiment for bad conduct. John C. Pride and Michael Gleason were arraigned on the charge of feloniously shooting Jesse, a slave to Coleman P. Dodson. The case was continued till to-day week for further evidence, and the parties gave sureties in $700 each for their appearance on that day to answer the charge. Thomas Kane, charged with robbing Dr. T. H. Edwards of $110, was sent on to a called court of Hustings, to be held next Monday, and committed to jail in the meantime. James, a slave to James Fisher, was ordered 15 lashes for misconduct; and Joe, a slave to Jefferson Powers, 30 lashes, for stealing several articles from Henry, a slave to A. D. Chalkley. Virginia Sephus, a free negress, charged with stealing $15 from St. S. S. Moncure, was discharged for want of sufficient evidence to inculpate her. James Keller, who appear
ing, James Bray. Charles E. Andrew, William W. Timberlake, and E. A. J. Clopton, Aldermen. Thomas Kane was examined upon the charge of a felony, by him committed, in that he did, on the 26th day of September, 1861, in this city, rob Dr. Thomas H. Edwards of the sum of $110 in bank notes. The Court sent Kane on for trial before Judge Lyons, and refused to admit him to bail and recognized the witnesses to appear at Court and give evidence against him. Edward Barry, another of the prinThomas H. Edwards of the sum of $110 in bank notes. The Court sent Kane on for trial before Judge Lyons, and refused to admit him to bail and recognized the witnesses to appear at Court and give evidence against him. Edward Barry, another of the principals engaged in the robbery of Dr. Edwards, was examined, and sent on for trial before Judge Lyons. He, too, was refused bail, and the witnesses against him recognized to appear and testify before his Honor. The Court then adjourned.
Tried for Felony. --Edward Barry was tried yesterday before Judge Lyons for knocking down Dr. Thomas H. Edwards and robbing him of $110. The jury found him guilty, and awarded him six years imprisonment in the penitentiary.