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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 5.44 (search)
he spring of 1862, and was appointed Brigadier-General November 1st, 1862, on the recommendation of Generals Lee, Jackson and A. P. Hill. camp Fisher, high point, September 21, 1861. Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Lane: Dear Sir,--You were unanimously elected Colonel of the Twenty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers this evening. This regiment is composed of the following companies, enlisted for twelve months: Co. A, Surry county, Captain Reeves (Major elect). Co. B, Gaston county, Captain Edwards. Co. C, Catawba county, Captain Lowe, (Lieutenant-Colonel elect). Co. D, Stanley county, Captain Montgomery. Co. E, Montgomery county, Captain Barringer. Co. F, Yadkin county, Captain Kinyoun. Co. G, Orange county, Captain Martin. Co. H, Cleveland county, Captain Wright. Co. I, Yadkin county, Captain Speer. Co. K, Stanly county, Captain Moody. You will see that most of us are Mountain boys, and we trust that we do not disgrace the home from which we come. It would afford us
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The killing of Colonel Dennis J. Halisey. (search)
ers, who afterwards proved to be an orderly on Halisey's staff, by the name of Edwards, dashed around the corner, and though he endeavored at once to check his horseshoot the second time, being so near that the muzzle of his pistol was against Edwards's body, but this time his pistol snapped, and left him apparently at the mercy of his antagonist. With the quickness of a tiger, however, he grappled with Edwards before the latter could fire again, and being a powerful man, and a magnificenthim sprawling in the water. Each man dropped his pistol in this struggle, but Edwards being down in the water with Tribble over him, surrendered and announced himself Tribble's prisoner. In the meantime, and not a horse's length behind Edwards, Colonel Halisey came around the corner, and reining in his horse more success-fully than Edwards had done, turned into the open space spoken of above within perhaps ten paces of me I at once fired at him and demanded his surrender. He returned m