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orporal; promoted third sergeant; wounded in battle at Boonsboro, Md., September 14, 1862; concussion of abdomen in battle of Cold Harbor; died March 15, 1865.
Edwards, Samuel W., second corporal; promoted first sergeant; surrendered the company April 9, 1865, at Appomattox.
Sandridge, James J., third corporal; wounded at Gai2, 1864; little finger shot off in battle at Cold Harbor.
Dowell, Ezekiel, enlisted August, 1863.
Duncan, J. B. Draper, John, discharged on regular detail.
Edwards, Tazewell S., discharged by conscript act, over thirty-five years of age; re-enlisted and promoted fourth sergeant.
Edwards, Brice J., wounded in head in battlEdwards, Brice J., wounded in head in battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862; discharged by conscript act, over thirty-five years of age.
Eastin, Granville, wounded in battle of Seven Pines, June I, 1862; killed in battle at Boonsboro, Md., September 14, 1862.
Eastin, Henry, killed at Yorktown April 26, 1862.
Eheart, Adam G., wounded in left arm August 30, 1862, in