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ever, and is dated May 24, 1849. The editorial signed by Rev. Edward Beecher, Joseph Haven, Jr., and Increase N. Tarbox, says, The ecclesiastical principles that we shall advocate are indicated by our name. In doctrine we shall stand on the broad background of New England theology, not committing ourselves to the interest of any party but recognizing with Christian affection and endeavoring to unite all who hold the fundamental principles of the system avowed by our Pilgrim fathers; by Edwards and his successors. As in religion so in politics, we are pledged to no party. Without giving any party pledges whatever, we shall earnestly oppose the extension of slavery in the slightest degree beyond its present limits. For a long time previous to his death in 1856, Mr. Fay suffered from tuberculosis, which brought added work upon the shoulders of his partner. Mr. Thomas Todd, who was a boy in the printing-office then, says of him at this time, He (Deacon James) did not attempt to