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venty-five to one hundred thousand dollars, including 73,000 cartridges and 25,000 percussion caps. Mr. John C. Langhorne, formerly local editor of the Norfolk Day Book, is said to have been the first man from our forces that stepped on board the Funny, and to have taken down the Federal flag and run up the "flag of the South," during the enthusiastic cheers of our brave men. The Hon. Secretary of the Navy has issued instructions, I learn, that the name of the Confederate steamer "Edwards" be changed to "Forrest"--a merited compliment to the gallant Commodore in charge of the Gosport Navy-Yard. The visits of ladies and others to the fortifications at Craney Island, depend now somewhat upon the tides, as the water at the shore of the island is not sufficiently deep at low-tide to allow of the approach of a steamer as large as the Wm. Selden, which makes the trip regularly twice a day. Until Wednesday next visitors will take passage in the morning, and for once a weed the